Narrative Declaration Update - March 2024 (Patreon)
Hey everyone! It's THE WIZARD here with a quick update!
First, I apologize for our lack of communication and Rotgrind episodes. Thurston(OnCallGM) has been traveling around for Paizo to several conventions, meaning that if our Game Master can't make it then the episodes couldn't happen!
It's sadly one of the realities as most of us still have full time jobs on top of Narrative Declaration. We prioritize folk's real life responsibilities first. Especially so since Thurston had to deal with some personal family health emergencies. So that's why you haven't seen an episode of Rotgrind in a spell!
We are back to Rotgrinding! Always remember to check out the google calendar schedule for when we go live. Which will help you determine when VODs come up!
Also, OnCallGM and I got to chill and get some good food when he was sent to Owlcon! We wanted to do some Mechwarrior pod stuff, but we were exhausted, so we FEASTED AGAIN!
I just moved to a new apartment as well, and it took a while to set up, so I apologize on my part for not being attentive. But I got all of the books set up and my furniture is now in the new place, so that's neat!
Also, thanks everyone who came out to Owlcon in Texas to say hi to Thurston! You can also give him a yell at GenCon at the Paizo booth this year. I sadly will not be there this year, so please tell Paizo and Thurston that Narrative Declaration sent ya!
(picture is of an ND fan who met Thurston at Owlcon!)
The team has been extremely excited to play Kingmaker. Sadly, we will have to delay the start of the show because we have to shift artists around who are making our avatars, overlays, and more. Some are not available due to awesome opportunities opening up for them. But, we're making some fun progress!
We still plan to do another test session, which, according to all of you and the team, has been a hilariously good time. Once OnCallGM is available, we'll record another one for all of you. Expect another test session next month.
We're still grinding out PDFs, working on some neat stuff we wanna talk about more for later down the year, and continuing to keep up the hee hoos for all of you!
Thank you all for your time and support! We're still working hard to get everything settled and moving smoothly. And we're excited to do a lot more this year, maybe something in the stars!