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This post is to introduce you to the player & their character in our Kingmaker campaign!

The Player's Social Media


Character Art

artist: SaltyJub

Character Sheet

We will be linking the Pathbuilder version and putting screenshots of what the player has in FoundryVTT. The more up to date version will be the FoundryVTT screenshots, we kindly ask that you do not critique the character builds. And to not use these to back seat game the players. We place these sheets up for the curious to take a look, not for critique. Most players know what they're doing, but we have a few that are new to the game or their classes.

The Pathbuilder link and the screenshots might have some differences due to us adjusting things or the players finding things that didn't work for them. Or, I did the screenshot when they were messing with stuff or it hasn't been updated yet.

Pathbuilder Link: https://pathbuilder2e.com/launch.html?build=727456



Vinki Interview



I love Vinkii so much T-T, I would pay so much to get a Vinki plushie so I could carry them around like a cattt