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As the announcement video gets released and we begin to let people know we even have a patreon. We wanted to go more in depth on how we will be handling your contributions and this patreon. Along with explaining how this came about.

First off, we highly encourage newcomers to give the show a shot first before contributing for several reasons. As we'd like you to enjoy what you see before contributing.

Q: How did WarHams get created?

So for how WarHams came about. I talked with Alfabusa on ways I could help provide more content to his channel, while also making content for mine. I brought up that it took an extremely long time to make dedicated TTS episodes due to relying on hundreds of different factors. Which results in moments where Alfa physically cannot continue due to him having to wait on assets being made.

So, I proposed WarHams as a way to create content on my channel on Twitch. Where that content can then be hosted on Alfa's channel in two ways. 1) As Vods so people who can't make the streams can catch up and 2) As super short, like 1 to 2 minute short, funny TTS animated clips to provide content for those waiting for the new TTS episode to come out.

 Q: Will this halt, delay, or interfere with normal TTS episodes?

 The answer is no it will not. We have requested that Alfa create the super short animations only during his down time when he is waiting for assets/writing to be completed for the regular episodes. When he is in work mode on the next episode when he has finally got all of his assets made and together. Then we expect him to focus on that for him and his fans.

What is probably confusing some people is that he isn't animating all 3 hours of the stream. He'll only be making a solid 1 or 2 minute video that's highlighting a funny moment from the stream.

Q: What system are you playing WarHams on?

Wrath & Glory Revised Edition. We chose this due to it's simplicity and it being more compatible to stream with. We know a lot of people who watch would prefer Only War, Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, etc. And believe us we like those systems too, but we want to avoid as much book keeping as possible during the stream. And Wrath & Glory was the only WH40K TTRPG that supported that need for us. 

We don't want to book war and say X system is better than Y system. We're here to have fun and make some funnies.

Q: I don't like streams/ I cannot make the livestreams. Will these be available as VODs for me to watch later?

Short answer: Yes, on Alfabusa channel.   Long answer:

Once the livestream ends the VOD will be immediately available on www.twitch.tv/ZoranTheBear in the video section. These VODS may be highlighted and restricted to subscribers only however.

As for Youtube, we plan to take the RAW twitch vod and quickly get it hosted for those who contribute the $5 dollars on patreon to see immediately. Once a week or two has passed, we will then release the videos on Youtube for those wishing to catch up.

The exception to this are the first 5 episodes. Those will go up on Alfa's channel as soon as we can get it up there. And if you all liked the show and it didn't suck. Then all future VODs will be within the weekly gated system.

Q: I'd like to listen to the show during my walk or during work. Will there be a podcast version?

We plan to have the audio available on a podcast platform as soon as we can once the stream is over. (We're looking at Soundcloud atm) and the MP3 files, if not too large, will be hosted directly on patreon here for the $5+ tier. 

Q: How can I best support the show?

Just by telling your friends & community about the show. We also love FanArt and funny highlights people make. 

Now on how all this money business is handled.

Same as the announcement video, ZoranTheBear(me!) is only taking in revenue from the Twitch channel. This means subscriptions and bits, as sadly dividing bits is just so damn difficult we all decided to leave it be. Any direct donations (Via the donation box/link) and patreon revenue will be split via a percentage to the other players and game master.

In the future if we do anything such as Merch or Sponsorship deals. We will be discussing these changed internally first and we'll let people know where the money is going.

On what the pool for the show will primarily be focused on are these items.

- Art (Art for NPC, enemies, etc. As we don't wan to use GW's assets as much as we can.)

- Voice work (For radio messages and soundboard effects)

- Licenses (For music, SFX, and any legal rights to use content from GW, Cubicle 7, etc that we may need to pay.)

- Subscriptions (For services like Soundcloud if we need a place to host the podcast version of the show

and tons of other little bits.

So I hope that clears up most questions people may have about the show and this Patreon, if you have any more questions feel free to reach out to us!

- ZoranTheBear



Sorry for any errors, feel free to leave any questions you may have down below!


How was the GM cast for this project?

The DM

hi all just wanna say that I hope you guys are well during this pandemic and that you all can keep making great content!


We've been looking for a Game Master for awhile that has experience with TTRPGs, a personality that fits, and knows their 40K Lore. Thirsty(OnCallGM) fit the role perfectly when we met him and surpassed our expectations.


First Episode was hilarious, is there any chance we will be able to see episode 0 that the announcement video came from? Or does it not exist in recording?


Doing well, love your DMing so far! Being out of the main job during all this Ive taken to delivering food to pay bills and these are perfect for driving around.. plus the bossman lets me play the streams in the store so hopefully my co-workers will join in this madness.


I will have to ask Alfabusa if he did a full audio pass on that recording. If he did, I will see if we can get it up for you all!