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Hey everyone!

I wanted to go over what will be happening to the VODs and Podcast versions of the show after episode 5.

The plan we put in place is that the first 5 episodes will immediately be going out with no hassle, and as soon as we can edit/upload them. No waiting for 2 weeks or anything before it's public. As we want to make sure people like the show first. And around 5 episodes is when most people like to abandon a series, if they weren't liking where it was going or not.

So after we look at the stats and determine this is something you all enjoy. We will then be going into the next phase and expanding the show in several ways. But, the Patreon will be going into full effect at that time as well.

Starting with episode 6, this is how content will be handled in these steps.

1) The show will air on Twitch as normal

2) After the broadcast ends. The VOD on Twitch will immediately be turned into a highlighted video and restricted to subscribers only. So for those who want to see the show -immediately- as a VOD on Twitch will need to be subscribed to the Twitch channel.

3) Then I (ZoranTheBear) will be taking the Twitch Vod and Audio to the editing phase where I will do my best to level out the audio and cut out sections that are irrelevant to the show. (We wanna hire a guy to add music/sound effects. We wish we had time ourselves)

4) Once completed, I will then send the VOD over to Alfabusa, where all he does is double check it for his channel and upload it for all of you to see as early as possible. Or I will have it posted directly onto Patreon here myself. The video will then become public within 2 weeks after the original broadcast date. This will vary due to workload/time constraints. The same thing will happen to the audio versions as a mp3 download.

5) Once the show has aired and showcased the tokens we used during the show. We will then set up token packages to share with our 75+ tier level.

If you have any questions on this, please leave a comment down below!

- ZoranTheBear



We want to retain as much transparency as possible. So if you have any questions please leave any questions you may have in the comments.


I would be interested in helping out with adding sound/music - I do editing for a living. If you'd like to discuss what you need / what I can offer, please let me know!