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Hi folks, ZoranTheBear here.

I wanted to give everyone a heads up that the episode 3 audio version and VOD will be delayed. This is due to my real life job having me work nights for Gen Con.

For context my company always does a major event for the convention, Gen Con. And I am one of the only people who knows how to set up and organize all of their online avenues. So I've been working nights for the majority of this month in preparation of the event. Now that Gen Con is underway and me taking work vacation next week. You should be seeing the audio and VOD of Episode 3 very shorty.

I apologize for the delay, and I will be working a little more later in the night to get it ready for all of you. This should not be a common occurrence going forward as hopefully I shouldn't be too slammed with convention work, but we'll see what the bosses do.



Also remember, after every stream we archive the episode. Which will be here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/690795017


I think all of us tribals understand fully that work can come up at the worst times, so long as it gets out we'll be content. And so long as our lord and savior Tater Tot lives.