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Hey everyone! It's ZoranTheBear here,

First off I'd like to say thank you to everyone who has contributed to the show. Either by donating, spreading the word, or simply stopping by to watch. With your support, me and Alfabusa have decided to keep WarHams going! So that means more WarHams in all sorts of ways.

But first, the updates.

1) WarHams will continue to be a bi-weekly show. Mainly due to our player's work schedules, which sadly prevents us from being a weekly show.

2) All future WarHams Vods and podcast versions will now be going into our gated system. So all episodes after episode 5 will now be "locked" behind the 5 dollar patreon tier for you all to enjoy early. After 2 weeks, or the friday closest to it, the VOD and the podcast version will be released to non contributors. For those contributing, you should be getting the MP3 file for the audio version, along with the preview VOD before the first week.

TLDR: Basically, if you're contributing, you see the VODS and Mp3 early now. If you don't contribute, you will still see them for free 2 weeks after the air date.

3)ALL FUTURE VODS WILL NOT BE ON ALFABUSA'S CHANNEL!(After episode 5) They will be on the ZoranTheBear youtube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/ZoranTheBear

Me and Alfa decided that after episode 5 that we would make this shift. So that his animations of the show will shine more on his channel. Along with making sure all of you are aware of the show initially by having the VODs be on his channel.

4)Discord is now integrated! If you are on the $10 dollar tier or higher, you can connect your patreon account to your discord account and be part of the exclusive patreon chat. You can join the discord here: https://discord.com/invite/zoranthebear

Remember, you need to connect patreon to your discord account to get the patreon role. 

5) Complication submission will be handled differently. We will be making a call ever so often with a google form for those in those tiers wishing to submit their custom complications. 

So with those updates, thank you all for your amazing support! We're planning some additional content in the future, so we hope you'll be on board with us when we start up those projects.

See you all next episode!


Mark Mason

Honestly love the show! There was air punching when I found out it was green lit to continue! The characters and GM have captured me far quicker than Critical Roll... Unfortunately finances are boned due to Covid but will increase my Tier when I can! Love you guys!!

Mark Mason