Rotgrind - Episode 2&3 - BESTIARY PDF (Patreon)
For today’s post, I wanted to give a huge thank you to all our viewers and supporters. I honestly think Episode 3 was the best episode we’ve had to date, and a lot of that came from the enthusiasm that I got to see from chat and from the Discord discussions that followed. As a GM, I’m always worried about putting in high difficulty encounters and hoping the PCs can “solve the puzzle” but everything came together in a great way for our last session and I’m so excited on where the game is going next.
That brings us to today’s update. In this PDF we have the latest episode bestiary, which contains the three baddies found in the temple complex during episodes 2+3. First up is the Rotten Sap, an ooze monster that contains the beginning hints of corruption from the Rot. Next up are the mysterious Fume Congregants, zombie-like monks who the PCs avoided a direct confrontation with (but we’re still providing the stats in case your group wants to fight them).
Finally, we’re giving you the stats for the Rotten Drowned Devoted. This boss tier monster is such a boss tier monster that it also includes the boss trait, which provides some new rules on how to manage multi-stage bosses in your games. You too can see how your band of adventurers would fare against the Rotten Drowned Devoted—just be sure to provide some mossy equipment before making the attempt!
Until next time…
I dunked on that boss ez no hit
Attached to this post you will receive:
- Bestiary PDF
- Handout Cards
- Tokens
- Item icons for VTTs
- Maps used in Episode 2 and 3