Rotgrind Bestiary: Desiccated Dragon (Patreon)
Early on in the creation of Tyne and the Rotgrind campaign, Zoran rightly asked that we get a few spotlight monsters to really showcase the setting. One of the first types of monsters we discussed were dragons. As everyone knows, dragons are a pretty important creature type in the tabletop industry, with at least one prominent company of wizards down by the coast mentioning them in their flagship product…
The desiccated dragon is one of Tyne’s group of wasting dragons. Like the chromatics, metallics, and countless other draconic families, wasting dragons are a whole breed of new draconic foe to battle. Other types of wasting dragons get a mention in this PDF, as we also did for different malicites in the tarumant malicite writeup. However, the main focus for this document is giving you a big ol’ draconic villain to add as a capstone encounter to an ongoing campaign.
One thing to note is that this dragon does not have the boss trait that we included for the Drowned Devoted from session 3. That’s intentional. We’re going to save boss traits for unique creatures that are either specific to the campaign or a specific NPC in the setting. This keeps our Bestiary monsters generic enough that they can be slotted into any campaign!
Maybe we should do a document about how to make boss monsters…. Naw, then those chucklefucks will just kill them… unless…
Time to go write some more words!
One of the things me and OnCallGM talked about was as he said getting some really big monsters to showcase the setting. These behemoths of stats and mechanics give Game Masters and Players something to strive for. To eventually get strong enough to tackle such foes.
If you ever use this in your campaign, please let us know!
- ZoranTheBear
In these files you will find:
- PDF Document
- Handout Card
- Token
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Thank you all for your continued support!
EDIT: Fixed the name's typo!