Rotgrind Bestiary: Wallcrawler (Patreon)
"It begins with a faint hiss and the *tk tk* of sharp claws against the walls. A glimpse of translucent white skin flickers around you, just out of reach and sight. The scent of damp stone and old fish begins to permeate your nostrils, and then innumerable tiny claws burst from the darkness to grasp at the object of its desire"
Wallcrawlers live their lives in darkness, fearing strong light, yet finding themselves inexorably drawn to it nonetheless. They seek out glints and sparkles in the deep recesses of the city's under levels, such as the silverfish and beetles that make up a large part of their diet.
Carrying a torch is a good way to keep them at bay, as any thing too bright will blind them. Even adventurers who can see in the dark know that it's valuable to keep a light source near at hand for just such a purpose. Hapless wanderers and delvers without such preparation might find themselves in danger if they wear or carry anything particularly shiny... or if they have particularly shiny teeth.
Wallcrawlers are generally found alone, as they have a tendency to try to steal anything and everything that catches their eye. Some carry items with them, while yet others have caches of their shiniest inedible finds. It may be a mix of broken glass and shells, or it may contain jewelry and coins and long-lost weapons. Rather than attacking a wallcrawler outright, braver souls may stalk the creatures, hoping to have the location of such a cache revealed.
Many inexperienced adventurers have been caught unaware by a wall crawler hiding on a roof or around a corner. Their multitudinous nimble fingers grab whatever they can before they flee.
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In this post you will find all of our content! Either past content from previous campaigns we're legally allowed to share, an excel sheet of all the PDFs we've made(give it a bit to update when a PDF just released pls), and everything else in between!
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May your rolls be 20s and your life always be a critical success!
- The Narrative Declaration Team
The PDF, Tokens, and Handout card is attached to this post for you to download!
Edit: (Patreon didn't save the attached files for some reason, that should be fixed now! Sorry about that - ZoranTheBear)