Animated Patreon Ad Preview (WIP Animation) (Patreon)
Animation isn't complete, this is just a work in progress.
One of the things I wanted for the show was to have fun ad segments. Usually, ad reads are the norm because they are not overly costly to make. However, I prefer funny ad skits to boring ad reads. Once we get sponsors for the show, you may see more ad reads than skits. But if a sponsor wants it animated, they will have to pay the additional cost, which mostly goes to the animator.
This ad animation is for our Patreon! Right now, it's a dry read and needs to be redubbed to better fit what we can offer on Patreon now. We also need to include a scene of Zoran struggling on the tracks, along with the train and accompanying sound effects.
We wanted to showcase Magnifigal's work! We will ask her to continue animating the funny hee hoos once she finishes this one."
- ZoranTheBear