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Hey all! ZoranTheBear here with a July 2023 Update on all that's happening.

GenCon Attendance

Me, and now 100% confirmed, OnCallGM will be at GenCon! If you're part of our Discord, I will post live where I'm hanging around certain places or booths. Be aware that OnCallGM will be taking care of duties for Paizo, but I am confident that he would love to see you in between tasks! If you stop by the Paizo Booth and get anything from them, tell them that Narrative Declaration or Rotgrind/Rotgoons sent you!

Potential Show Interruptions

To avoid lingering on this, I have some serious family health issues requiring me to be on call and available to drive for long hours. So if a stream doesn't happen randomly or a video upload is slightly delayed, this would be why! I will take steps to ensure things don't get interrupted too often. As of now, things should -hopefully- be stable!

Starfinder Campaign Update

We have completed our character creation meeting for the Starfinder Adventure! Once we're set in stone on these characters, I will reveal our party composition, but our session 0 is slated for August 20th. Session 0 will be recorded and uploaded here on Patreon for you all to enjoy!

What's going on with the "West March" campaign?

During a meeting, OnCallGM and I looked at the pile of work ahead of us and decided it's best to put this on hold until we get more help. Our idea now is to make a framework of the campaign's rules, provide a platform (mainly Discord) and let the community have at it. We want you to engage with our world and give us feedback on our PDF content, but we don't want to sacrifice the quality of the show and assets by taking too much time away from ourselves and the project.

Once the rules are set, we'll release it and set up an environment for people to playtest it!

What's coming down the pipeline and what are you working on?

Currently, we have:

  • Continuing Rotgrind & Rotgoons
  • Another Vtuber TTRPG short adventure
  • Plan continuation of previous Vtuber group adventure
  • Starfinder Adventure stream being worked on
  • Merch being designed and suppliers being discussed (desk pads, posters, T-shirts, dice, bags, trays, etc!)
  • New Deity PDF article
  • Campaign Assets PDF
  • New Logo redesign
  • Additional artwork/assets for Overlays
  • Westmarch rules
  • Alien RPG one-shot adventure
  • Charity TTRPG one-shot event
  • WarHams Special
  • Plan more animatics
  • Explore potential Fallout One-Shot w/ Earndil as GM
  • And a billion other things!




Hopefully everything goes well with the fam, do what you have to do. And I think it's safe to say that we all love what you guys put out no matter what it is!

Maxin the Dragon

Hoping all goes well with your family Zoran. They come first so take the time you need, as soon as you need it.

Risax the Imp

Take care of whatever issues surround your family's health first, Zoran. We'll understand if stuff gets interrupted or slows down. Thanks for telling us this. I'm also looking forward to more news on the Starfinder campaign! A Fallout one-shot sounds fun as well. Basically a lot of good stuff coming up, I see. Keep up the good work, everyone.


I just saw the news about your mom on Twitter. I'm so, so, so incredibly sorry for your loss. I hope you can take all of the time that you need, and that you have support in this awful and trying time.