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ToTellStories here with the second blog post in a row! This time I'm talking about the Horned Birdfrog. Remember how Zoran promised we'd stat out the frog Oran shape-shifted into in order to sneak into the Children of the Blaze's swamp camp? HAVE A FROG. …If you tell him he’s not a frog because he has a tail I think he’ll cry, so he’s a frog. HE’S A FROG, DAMN IT.

I'm a huge fan of natural environments in fantasy settings (my several hundred hours in Monster Hunter is a good indicator of that), and the Solitude has been a great way to connect my own swampy knowledge to the world of Tyne. In fact, here's the frog friend from the family farm that I used for reference for this little guy:

LOOK AT HIS LITTLE FROG FACE. That snoot was booped many times. I lived.

I have another BIG release I've been working on for a very long time that I'm hoping we can wrap up and share soon. That way I can shift my focus back to maps and matte paintings! And asking Hulky what his Starfinder character's shoes look like. …No reason. *cough*


You can find all of our content in our big master post thread!


In this post you will find all of our content! Either past content from previous campaigns we're legally allowed to share, an excel sheet of all the PDFs we've made(give it a bit to update when a PDF just released pls), and everything else in between!

If you ever have any problems or need assistance, please direct message us!

May your rolls be 20s and your life always be a critical success!

- The Narrative Declaration Team



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