Narrative Declaration Update - September 2023 (Patreon)
Hey everyone, your friendly neighborhood wizard Zoran here with a September update for 2023!
Time sure has flown by! At least for us here at Narrative Declaration. We are working on awesome Merch to bring to you all, new players via one-shots, Starfinder is on its way soon, fantastic PDFs are on the way, and tons more!
A New Team Member joins Narrative Declaration!
We want to welcome SaltyJub to the art team! Those who have been watching Rotgoons may already know of SaltyJub, who plays Heart. Or, you have seen her art on the show and various other places like Kabhaal's streams.
We love Salty! With her experience working in the TTRPG industry as an artist in the EU and her expansive knowledge of the different cultures and folklore around Sweden, Salty's knowledge and skills will be an amazing addition to our team.
You may see SaltyJub on our Discord, where she loves to engage with you by talking about the show or PF2E. Feel free to say congrats on joining the team! Your support now also supports SaltyJub.
(Sidenote: Salty is here to work adjacent to Skelebean; no one has gone anywhere!)
Starfinder One-Shot Adventure is soon!
For those who saw our session 0 of Starfinder, I'm happy to announce that the team had a great time being goofy, and the short adventure is on!
Here is the planned schedule for the live streams:
Every stream starts at 3:00 PM CST/CDT
October 8th - Starfinder
October 15th - Starfinder
October 29th - (If we aren't done with the adventure yet)
(If these dates change we will make a separate post on Patreon and let everyone know in Discord!)
For those wanting to see our Starfinder character sketches, sign up for our Tier 1 (the $1 USD one) to get a sneak peek of the art drawn by SaltyJub herself(If you don't see the sketches once this update post goes live, give it a day or two). Also, several wallpapers and art will be sent out soon on that tier and others.
Several One-Shot Adventures on the way!
One of the various things I try to do is introduce new people to what Narrative Declaration is all about. I do that by inviting fellow content creators and guests to play a short adventure with me. Our "Teach Vtubers how to play PF2E" video is an example of this. This helps introduce their audience to us, while providing them with a professional gaming experience. And we all get to have fun and make friends along the way. We have three groups wishing to adventure! One who is a return group, another yet to 100% be locked in, and the third...
Introducing the SCRUNGLE GANG!
HeavenlyFather (Yes, the one from Russianbadger's videos) as Grumar the Human Gunslinger
Fleshy as Piks the Ratfolk Rogue
OverEzEggs as Kalara, the Kitsune Bard
Saeko as Yomi, the Elf-Dhampir Sorcerer
These folks have done a couple of session 0s already. Part one and part two can be viewed on Twitch for free. Their adventure, which is more pirate/boat-themed, will be a hilarious ride, which I hope you all will join us for.
Scrungle Gang Stream Schedule:
Each stream is at 7:00 PM CST/CDT
Scrungle Gang Part 1 - September 27th
Scrungle Gang Part 2 - October 4th
Scrungle Gang Part 3 - October 11th
We have two other groups who want to continue an adventure! You've seen one group with HeavenlyFather, Girl_DM_, PorcelanMaid, & CottontailVA—the other I'd like to save announcing for now.
Their adventures will be all in November if schedules permit!
If I set the schedule for the next few months, this is what it would look like(always subject to change/be adjusted):
Sept 2nd - Rotgoons
Sept 9th - Rotgrind
Sept 16th - Rotgoons
Sept 23rd - Rotgrind
Sept 27th - Scrungle Gang
Sept 30th - Rotgoons
Oct 4th - Scrungle Gang
Oct 7th - Rotgoons
Oct 8th - Starfinder
Oct 11th - Scrungle Gang
Oct 14th - Rotgrind
Oct 15th - Starfinder
Oct 28th - Rotgrind
Oct 29th - (If needed) Starfinder
Tentative & majorly subject to change:
Nov 1st - (Group 1 Tentative Schedule)
Nov 4th - Rotgoons
Nov 7th - (Group 2 Tentative Schedule)
Nov 9th - (Group 1 Tentative Schedule)
Nov 11th - Rotgrind
Nov 14th - (Group 2 Tentative Schedule)
Nov 16th - (Group 1 Tentative Schedule)
Nov 18th - Rotgoons
Nov 21st - (Group 2 Tentative Schedule)
Nov 25th - Rotgoons
Dec 2nd - Rotgoons
Dec 9th - Rotgrind
And try to find time for a fun-themed WarHams special.
I will be at Twitch Con!
I will be on vacation at Twitch Con! Twitch Con for me got turned into a holiday, as I suspect I won't be able to take a break for quite a while. So, I won't be trying to do any meetups this year. This is why we won't have an episode on the 21st of October. It's all my fault you may lynch me now.
We got a new Logo!
For those who may have already noticed, we got a new Logo! This is to help better unite our brand and help us label what's ours a lot easier. Also it makes merch items a lot easier to deal with if our Logo has to go somewhere. We hope you like it! We did a lot of adjustments to get a scrungly nature of the lines similar to our old WarHams Logo. To then keep a speech bubble for our narrative declaration wording, with the tilted D20 representing our TTRPG nature.
Final Comments
Thank you all so much for making this year a wonderful one. A lot has happened to the team in 2023, but you all have helped us get through it. Even though the year isn't over yet, I stay optimistic about the opportunities we have for next year to explode and do a lot more awesome stuff!
Thank you all for sticking with us! We're kicking a lot of cheeks together.