Starfinder - Adex - ZoranTheBear's Character Sketch Preview (Patreon)
art by SaltyJub
A veteran of many battles, many wars, all just happy memories to this SRO. But the only war Adex cares about is the ongoing struggle against The Swarm. Everything is a bug conspiracy, and he is here to exterminate it.
Class is Soldier
I love playing robots in scifi games. If it's not a Star Trek academy style adventure, I love being the heavy gun toting soldier having a jolly good time.
The main inspiration for Adex comes from 3 different things. The soldier from Team Fortress 2, The Terminator, and Colonel Allow from the game Metal Arms.
A lot of the design thought process is to show a robot who has been through so many battles and wars to where it feels like just another job to him. But also to keep him jovial, supportive, and happy due to his love of wanton destruction and warfare.
I really wanted to play a character that was way more positive, supportive, and goofy in his own way. And I think he is coming together pretty well!
Note: Character stuff still subject to change.