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Howdy everyone!

Again, apologies for the slowdown on PDF releases. Things have been hectic with Starfinder and the holidays, but we’re finally getting back into the swing of new releases, I swear!

Today’s offering is another in our ongoing series of articles on deities of Tyne. Today’s article provides an overview for the Knight. The Knight is the crusader of good (enjoy alignment while it lasts) and justice in the setting, and an appropriate choice for your noble fighters or sensible paladin champions. This PDF provides what you’ve come to expect in terms of information on the Knight’s history, her role in the setting, how to play a follower, and how she handles the role of sponsorship.

Hope you enjoy this one! Our next PDF is shaping up to be a bigger undertaking, with a plethora of statblocks and hazards for GMs out there wanting to run their own adventures in the city of Outset. More on that one soon!


You can find all of our content in our big master post thread!


In this post you will find all of our content! Either past content from previous campaigns we're legally allowed to share, an excel sheet of all the PDFs we've made(give it a bit to update when a PDF just released pls), and everything else in between!

If you ever have any problems or need assistance, please direct message us!

May your rolls be 20s and your life always be a critical success!

- The Narrative Declaration Team



Jacob Behnke

Finally, a Rotgrind deity for ME! 🛡️🗡️