Rotgoons Campaign Assets Episode 4 - 22 (Patreon)
Previous campaign asset can be found here:
Hey everyone! Here is the large collection of Rotgoons campaign assets from Episode 4 to 22! This is not in the form of a PDF sadly, but I will have all handout cards, tokens, maps, and custom stat blocks that were made all compiled in a downloadable .ZIP file for you!
This post will mainly be for GM notes and some background information about why things were as they were.
Major Note: All stat blocks are not final. I've spruced them up a bit so you can grab em and try them in your own campaigns! But they may get another pass and included in their own PDFs in the future. As some things about them were experimental and definitely need another design pass.
GM Notes:
The Krohk Thug can be shifted and changed to fit any sort of ancestry you want them to be. You can simply add the appropriate tags and change their size to fit the Thug's new ancestry.
The varied amount of weapons are also simple and standard to make them very usable for low level adventures. So if you're looking for a few who are upfront fighters or ranged, you have weapon options!
If you want these thugs to be weaker or stronger to give them some longevity. I recommend using the level adjustment rules in the PF2E Bestiary Book on pg 6.
In FoundryVTT once you import these guys, you can simply click the elite/weaken button to easily do this.
GM Notes:
The concept for the Word Eater is a being who consumes the very words, runes, and essence of a magic spell and imbues them into their skin. Granting them the ability to quickly learn and cast spells at great cost. They are obsessed with acquiring magic scrolls and books to expand their knowledge and ability to cast magic.
Casting wise, the concept is to learn spells like a wizard player can, while able to cast like a sorcerer. If you've played a Wizard in D&D 5E, this will be familiar to you.
As always these are still a WIP. The different between a creature crafted for public consumption and for a campaign can differ. And this guy still needs some polishing and adjustment. As he also has the experimental Reactive Cast ability. Basically Attack of Opportunity but for casters. It is broken as all heck :P
I love the concept for these guys and was excited to bring them in the campaign. I sadly couldn't go ham with them, but maybe in another adventure :)
GM Notes:
The big man himself! Krohk was a character I wanted to bring in to balance out the factions at play in the story. So instead of just dealing with the Atmari people & the Tyrants Guild. I wanted players to be able to interact with a faction that's more grounded in the city, someone who knew the ins and outs of what goes on in the Pawns Pilaster on a more personal level instead of a top down view from a noblemans perspective.
For those wishing to run Krohk in their campaigns, his main motivations are security for him and his money. While also making as much money as possible. He is a gambling man, and is willing to take risks. But when things seem to get out of hand, he is quick to slither back to safer waters and wait for a better opportunity to arrive.
He is a smooth gentlemen, but also brutal in personality. He isn't afraid to throw his weight around when needed, but he is a businessman at heart. So he will do his best to stay on people's good side if he knows he can get something out of them. If not, he is equally okay disposing them, especially if they prove a threat towards him in any way.
His abilities were something I wanted to have fun with as well. Especially his "Luck of the Dice" ability. I wanted to create suspense and "oh noes" whenever he rolled these 2 D6s. As for why it's 2D6s and not anything else, which I agree a different dice would serve better for this, it's mainly to keep in the casino theme. Due to Krohk running his infamous Krohk's Den Casino & Gambling establishment.
In the campaign I personally wasn't satisfied with Krohk fully. We never got the time to fully realize the character and what he could do. But that's the nature of free choice campaigns! As much as I nudge the players a certain direction, I can't force them down a theme park ride. For your campaigns, I hope you have a ton of fun with him!
(Same stats as a Krohk Thug. Just always a level above with the elite rulings)
GM Notes:
Brug came about in an interesting way. Brug originally was just going to be a generic minor boss to the other thugs for the players to take down. Either through interrogation or a letter in his pocket, the players would of found clues as to why the Gang kidnapped the giant from his home. But I found this result to be a bit boring, and I wanted an NPC from a questionable origin for the players to RP with.
I like presenting my players with information that makes them think further than the face value presentation a situation gives off. Brug was definitely a test to see if the Rotgoons were a bunch of murder hobos or heroes. If you watched the episode, it came out very wholesome.
The background for Brug came up pretty quick. I needed him to have a reason for joining up with Krohk's Gang, and that became him needing cash to take care of his sick "daughter." And became his justification for doing crimes in such a harsh place as Outset's Pawn Pilaster.
Stats wise he is the same as a Krohk Thug with the Elite condition put on him. Due to the rapid nature of his creation, I never had a chance to specialize his stat block.
GM Notes: Good ol' Lorn. I get a bit nervous adding my own characters to campaigns. As it can be seen as egotistical and self absorbed. The reasoning for adding Lorn, and later on Barin, was due to already having the art on hand. And already having their personalities figured out.
When doing the type of campaigns we do, where we need a handout card for each major NPC, sometimes the stars don't align when we need the art done on a certain day. Either all artists we have on a payroll are too busy or we won't be able to get an art piece in time regardless. So for me, and even with Rotgrind, we pull up art we already have to help make a show deadline.
Lorn's Goal was to help with anything magical for the group and be a guiding hand if the party ever forgot major plot points. He was also there to unlock another line of quests for the players, but the party went a different route.
Lorn personality wise, and if you ever want to use him in your campaign, is the kindly old man wizard type. Always caring and willing to lend a hand if needed. He restrict himself to a hub due to his old age, but when pushed he can do some gnarly magic.
GM Notes:
Barin Stackwall of the Stackwall family! Just like the same reasons Lorn exists, Barin was a perfect character to include into the world of Tyne to represent The Delvers Guild. Barin was my character during our WarHams Fantasy campaign, so being able to turn him into a NPC for Rotgoons has been a joy.
Stats wise this is a pregen NPC character named the Charlatan:
Celelia Boxworth and her companion Kaf were setup to be sort of rivals for the Rotgoons. To eventually get their own gang of misfits and compete with the gang for jobs. This was to create a sort of artificial rivalry for the main cast, and a gang of antagonists for the group.
Sadly, they killed them... or did they? :)
Stat wise, same as the NPC Stat block of Mage for Hire:
Same thought process as Celelia, but was a way to introduce to the players and audience that Outset wasn't just full of human-like ancestries. I wanted a character that was different. Sadly though we never got to explore more of Kaf in the campaign.
Diamond Hands Mcblart was created purely out of improv. Nothing was pre-planned for this character, and was created dynamically through our bull live on stream.
Mcblart has basically become the parties defacto merchant. If they need anything, Mcblart probably has it. Hollick for the party would primarily be there for the party's alchemical needs.
Felgor, the merchant that came up when they needed their items enhanced, was made purely due to chat's participation and improv.
GM Notes:
GM Notes:
Stats: NPC Template: Noble -
Greer was one of the NPCs specifically created to allow the Rotgrind crew to come in and role play NPCs with the Rotgoons. Greet himself was setup purely as a high ranking Tyrants Guild member who would use his status to enrich himself. SpeakerD was meant to play as this guy, but he sadly couldn't make it.
GM Notes:
Stats: A Tyrants Guild Abaser in our Tyrants Guild PDF
Gosfrid was purely made for Hulkykrow to play him and mess with the party and have a dynamic with Earndil guesting in that episode. We did hope to have him live, but the party made sure to end Gosfrid's life. The goal or running joke is that Gosfrid would have always been a door guard that the Goons would have to interact with. And he would always forget them, despite him "always remembering a face."
GM Notes:
Stats: Charlatan NPC Stats -
I can't give more info on Frederick here, as his story isn't quite done yet. Depending on how the campaign goes :)
GM Notes:
Stats: Mage for Hire stats -
Targress sadly turned into a tool of a mechanic than a character herself. The plan for this character, if the party was able to succeed in diplomacy, would be a light introduction to the Fire Fighters Guild. She found more work starting them than stopping them, and did so to sustain her family. Sadly she didn't last long in combat.
GM Notes:
Stats are the Agixes in the Tyrants Guild PDF
Sharterrie was names intentionally to be a gag, but his character was very serious in terms of bringing the goons in. If he was successful in capturing the goons, it would of spun up the "Tyrants Guild" route I had planned for the campaign. But the Goons definately put a stop to that.
His personality was to be ruthless and brutal, all while having a bit of whimsy to him. If he survived longer, he would of been a recurring antagonist to the party. Thwarting any attempts the goons made to get an upper hand.
GM Notes:
Stat wise: Bore Worm Swarm -
Main stat block will be created in a future encounter.
Jah'Mag-Nyah (We'll call her Jah for short) was intended to be a horror tool for the players when dealing with Krohk. I will need to save major details of the character, as there is a possibility our heroes will engage with this character again. So sadly I will need to not spoil it for you all!
GM Notes: Morla, one of the children of Gray (Minerva's character) was setup to help bring more background to her character. This character's story is not over!
I can't speak more on him :)
GM Notes:
Pakpok funnily enough became a shoe-in NPC. Just like the Potatoemancer NPC during the Parade Episode. We conveniently has art for Pakpok due to a failed one-shot episode preparation. So we reused his art for the episode.
A Lore PDF of the Atmari people has been worked on for awhile, but I am waiting to fully release the PDF and elaborate a lot more on who these beings are when the campaign has progressed further.
The important notes about these beings are and what has been revealed a bit in the campaign:
- Their souls were transferred into these vessels by The Conservance faith who believe it is better for the soul to continue serving in life than be destroyed in death.
- The forms aren't restricted to being humanoid. The Atmari believe that the form is personal to the being, and should reflect who they truly wish to be. Generally it takes the form of a humanoid, but it has been known that others have taken on the form of beasts or other types of creatures, although rarely.
- They sustain themselves by drinking Atma, the lifeforce of others.
- They come from the continent Amari. Only these beings reside in the Kingdom of Dern, where they follow their King of Eternal.
- Due to the process of becoming an Atmari is more of a rebirth, they are free to identify themselves however they wish. A common one however, is "this vessel." Meaning when an Atmari greets someone, they usually would say "This vessel, Gen'dara, greets you." As in some cases, more than one soul can occupy a vessel. If the vessel is hosted only by one soul, then they can choose whichever identifier they wish.
- Naming conventions are usually one or two worded. For a brief example: usually it is just their name, or their name and the place of their rebirth. Like "Zoran Sorrowhills." If a vessel has two souls inside of it, then the name would be fractures of their original names. Like "Zor'Thurst Sorrowhills." Others might rename themselves entirely at rebirth.
GM Notes:
These soldiers of Dern aren't strictly the Atmari Ancestry, but can be of various ancestries.
These NPCs are still in development, but this particular stat block was intended for the mass amounts for the parade scene. Just encase if things got extremely out of hand during the... situation that occurred.
GM Notes:
No stats for this yet
An Atmari Conservator is a high ranking individual from the Conservance Fauth. They are the beings charged by the High Conservance to maintain the population of Atmari. Atmari are not born as normal mammals are, but made. And it is the Conservator's job to conserve as much life into these crystal forms as possible.
GM Notes:
No stats as of yet
An Atmari Recounter is one that keeps a close eye on the religion's accounts. Either it be to population numbers, food stocks, income, taxes, etc. They are the book keepers and bureaucrats of the order.
GM Notes:
High Conserve Kerdenand, leader of the Conservance faith in Amari.
No Stat Block as of yet.
I cannot go into major details on this NPC, as his involvement is not complete in the campaign.
Ruins Entrance
Inside Ruins
Under Ruins
Under Ruins (Top Left Overlay, transformed to be rot)
Under Ruins (Corrupted)
Queens Pilaster Parade Road
Krohk's Den
Krohk's Den basement
Sewer Pipes
Rag Town
Amari Mansion
Goons Guest Solitude Scenes
Whew! That's a lot of stuff!
Big reminder, if you see something missing in the zip files. There are some assets I can't distribute due to image copyright and other bits. So sorry if somethings are missing due to that. We do our best to avoid this, but sometimes we find an edge case after the fact.
Thank you all for your continued support! Rotgoons has been an amazing time for me and the team, and we're excited to show you what is to come.
I also had to upload some maps separately because Patreons would -not- accept them in a .zip files due to being too large.