Getting Changed (Patreon)
Lara groaned. This wasn't going to work...
She hadn't been home in nearly two years, but in the final year of college she decided to spend her break back in her hometown among her family. The lithe blonde had flown in this morning, and gotten home and unpacked to find...
An empty house.
It wasn't a dramatic mystery. It was just 11:30am on a Wednesday.
Her parents were at work, and her younger sister was at school.
It'd be awhile before they got back, so Lara decided to work on what was to be her final submission for college: a bonafide shrink ray!
Naturally, this marked her as an up and coming genius, inventive, brilliant, peerless...
However, right now?
Those descriptors felt less than an appropriate for Lara.
She had gotten careless, and the device had activated without her intending to - what was more, she had been the target.
The blonde had quickly sunk into her outfit, her legs dangling off her old room's desk chair.
It wasn't a disaster; Lara was confident in the restoration process too. However, the device had glitched and needed some minor repairs as well as a full reboot.
That would take her at least a few hours, probably more...
First and foremost, she considered herself lucky she didn't end up much smaller. Even so, she hadn't fancied being naked for the rest of the day, especially if any of her family returned home while she was still fixing this!
So, aware that nothing she owned would be suitable, Lara had wandered into her younger sister's room. Still such a messy brat...
Putting aside the general humiliation of it all, Lara retrieved some underwear. Her sister was short even for her age and so the blonde had thought these might just be a loose fit but...
The blonde now understood her device's effects in this reduced state...
She wasn't just shorter, she was smaller...
Lara groaned. This really wasn't going to work...