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Rose was once again floored by her own genius. 

This wasn't even considering she had created a wristband device that could shrink the wearer to various sizes. No, her genius in this particular context was around her plan to ensure her perfect grades.

When her recent paper had come back under the highest marks, she appealed the decision - citing that her submission more than met the criteria for such a grade. Yet her college professor stubbornly disagreed!

The absolute nerve of this woman. Rose had long envisioned that she would finish her degree with perfect scores, and now this one assignment was a blemish on that spotless record!

Rose had to take things into her own hands - the blonde-haired girl was confident she could forcibly alter the grades if she had staff access. As well, she knew the professor was a smoker, and kept a matchbox on her person at all times. So, a plan was formed.

Rose waited until after the last class of the day was finished, when the professor would often leave to have a cigarette, leaving her things behind. The young woman found the matchbox, made some room and then zapped herself down to just the right size so that the container would become her means of getting into the professor's office.

It had been a bumpy ride, to be sure, and Rose had miscalculated the level of discomfort there. Still, it would all be worth it...

She was confident that they had at last arrived back in the office, and now she just needed the professor to leave for the restroom or somesuch. Beyond the thin walls of the matchbox, Rose eventually heard the relatively giant woman stand and exit.

Hah! Now was her chance...

Using her legs, she forced open the container, her reduced strength making it more of a challenge than expected. With an exhale of relief, light poured into her dark chamber, and the shrunken girl came to her knees, peering over the edge of her makeshift transport.

Rose was staggered by the sheer size of her surrounds, but she had no time for awe. The girl knew exactly what she needed to go: hop free of the matchbox, activate her device to restore her size, change her high grade to a perfect one, and voila!

Snickering, the girl rolled up her sleeve to reveal her wristband device...

A blank screen vaguely showed her warped, stunned reflection staring back at her.

It was dead?!

Wait, she did remember to charge it before she did all this, right?!

Her heart sunk. The little genius needed a new plan, fast.



Warin the Younger

Wonderful sense of scale in these renders.

Nicole Corcoran

Oh no! What a predicament. Always triple check your equipment before enacting a scheme. As Warin said, the sense of scale here is fantastic! The set and lighting here is adorable btw.