Bumps in the Road (Patreon)
Anna watched the door slowly slide closed, Kate’s expression melting into her own on the chromed surface as her wife began a descent to the lobby. Moving felt sluggish as she turned round and walked back to their suite. “I’m not the bad guy here.” She huffed, stomping slowly up to the door. “I mean…she knew where I stood when we got married.”
She walked into the suite and slumped into her chair. She let her heels slip off her fingers, clattering to the plush carpet with a dull thud. She rubbed the bridge of her nose while picking at the beading on her red dress.
Looking to the bedroom, she saw…it… at the foot of the bed. “Why did she do this, we get so little time together as is…” The case sat open, and those…things laid on the stool beside the control box. Kate’s pump was sitting there, mocking her. “Could have been fun but…”
A knock pulled her out of her mind, and she looked over at the entrance. Groaning, she walked over to the door. Throwing open the door she let a hand linger on her forehead. “Babe, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have…”
Her words died immediately. Standing before her was a redheaded woman in a waistcoat and oxford, wearing a thin black ribbon about the collar. She had a nametag with the hotel’s logo on one side. Anna shook her head. “Uh…sorry. Can I help you?”
The woman raised her eyebrows, forcing a tight smile as she held out her hands. She was clutching a bottle of red wine, it was clean, but the label was faded and brittle. It even looked like some dust had been brushed free. “I didn’t mean to disturb you; I was just bringing you your wine.”
Anna felt her lips curl down, and she shook her head. “Oh…yes. Thanks, sorry it’s been a stressful night.”
“Everything alright Ma’am?” The redhead asked.
Anna felt pale, shaking her head. “Ugh, don’t…call me that.” she said softly. “Sorry, having a bit of a tiff with my partner.” Anna said, resting against the jamb. “I can take it.”
“Pardon me… did you want to talk about it?”
“God yes, my wife is a surrogate for a friend, and we never get time together and…” Shaking her head, Anna chuckled. “Sorry, I don’t usually vent like this.”
“No worries, it is part of my job.”
“Valet and therapist huh?”
The woman shrugged. “A bit.”
“I won’t take up any more of your time. Just the natural wrinkles of a relationship.” she said softly. “It’s my problem, and I appreciate you taking the time. I just wish Kate and I could have more time together.”
The woman’s eyes twinkled, and she gently pressed the bottle into Anna’s hands. “I wouldn’t worry Ma--- Anna.”
Anna’s eyes widened. “Pardon.”
Smirking, her guest shrugged. “I do work for the hotel; I know the names of guests in the suites.” She stepped back, for a moment, Anna saw a flicker of pale red light in the corner of her eyes. “I’m sure things will work out. Would you like me to search for your wife?”
“N-no…” Anna answered, clutching the bottle in her hands. Her guest folded her hands behind her back and nearly danced back down the hall towards the elevator. As the redhead slipped around the corner, Anna turned and walked back into the suite. Setting the bottle on a table, she walked over to the window, watching the city lights twinkling below.
They were on the 10th floor, low enough for her to make out the details of pedestrians and vehicles sliding through the night below. A shock of blonde hair slipped across the terrace and onto a sectioned patio. Beside a burbling fountain, Kate flopped onto a bench. She could almost see her warm face turning red as she pouted in the dark.
Anna nearly rushed out of the room, wanting to join her on the terrace. All at once she felt the tension of their argument boiling back up, and the impulse was lost in the sound of the grinding of her teeth. Grumbling, Anna leaned against the window. “Calm down, just relax.”
Spinning around, she marched over to the table and popped the cork from the bottle of twenty-year-old Cabernet. Pouting herself a glass, she sipped it, staring at the warped reflection of her face in the frame of a photo. The stark shadows of the iron bridge reflected her scowling face, her glass slowly drained as the clock ticked away. “Ugh, this is stupid. Just apologize.” She groaned, setting the glass down.
She swayed on her toes, swallowing her tongue. Everything felt… heavy. She wobbled on her feet, stepping towards the bedroom, drawn by some unseen force. ‘We don’t have enough time to just…be together.’ She thought to herself, looking at the discarded pump. ‘Am I jealous of that…brat?’ She thought. Against her better judgement, she stepped into the room and walked up to the bed, and felt almost pressed onto the mattress. ‘Just a moment…’
She felt like she was floating, her vision dimmed. Her skin felt like it was…tingling. Opening her eyes again, after what felt like a blink, she found the sun had risen. Looking around, she felt…off. The room was there, but felt…different. The pillows seemed farther away, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand, she yawned.
“Good…morning Babe.” Kate said from behind her. Rolling onto her back, she saw her wife looking at her from beyond the still open pump bag. “Don’t freak out…”
Blinking in confusion, Anna felt her body freeze. The bag seemed different, the room seemed different, Kate seemed different. “Wh-what?”
Kate slipped off the edge of the seat. Her loose dress dangled off her massive body as she moved close. “Umm… something’s happened…” Kneeling down, Anna’s face felt like ice. Her wife was…enormous. “H-happy anniversary…I guess? We… need to figure this out.”