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Omg the revelation???? 😳




Finally is here, I haven't watch this, because I'm waiting for your reaction too 😂, even I avoid spoiler too. Just patiently waiting till you upload your reaction.

JL Mlik

I think the real son is the one he saved in the poker. Also in the first episode you can see EW in the court when she goes to jail, so he know her from back then. It means that he may plot this since 7years ? Too much question . Too much


I'm always stressed trying to remember all the information in order to comment at the end lmaoooo, but I loved your reaction to the revelation! ICONIC. Okay, here are some of my theories and questions. 1) I believe Seonyul is the son of Jiwoong and Eunmin, but his end goal isn't revenge on Soohyun, but rather using her to destroy Congressman Kim, who forced his dad to take the fall for Geonwoo's death (my thought is the CEO was covering for the Congressman himself or someone much closer to him) and then planned his mom's accident to keep her from spilling the beans. 2) I think Minhyuk (gambling guy) is the kid whose parents died in the fire, but Seonyul must have some connection to him in order to know so much about the fire and Minhyuk's life already. From the start, Seonyul knew who he was looking for, and Sujin said, "Why are you looking out for someone who means nothing to you" rather than "someone you don't know." So, I think either they are related (maybe Minhyuk was adopted by Seonyul's parents but then was estranged from them) or else they've already crossed paths for some reason but lost touch. 3) We see Seonyul volunteering at the prison while Soohyun was there, and if you look closely during episode 2, you will see that he was even in the courtroom when she was sentenced and outside when she was being taken to prison. So, he definitely knew who she was from day 1 and has been keeping tabs on her, planning to meet up as soon as she got out of prison. The question remains: does he want to destroy her life, or does he want to enlist her help to destroy the Congressman?


As a sidenote, it's very important to me that everyone notice and praise Eunwoo for his stuntwork lmao. In episode 5, you see the the camera pan back when Minhyuk jumps out the window and only do a closeup when he has hit the ground, whereas when Seonyul jumps, it follows him the whole time cuz it's actually Eunwoo doing it. And then in episode 6 for the fight scene, the BTS (https://youtu.be/Qn2wj-N8zdw?feature=shared&t=277) shows Eunwoo's stunt double present, but you see Eunwoo learn all the moves and then do it himself, so Namjoo even scolds him for not treasuring his body more cuz no one is gonna know it was him lol. So, it is my mission to let people know it is indeed him! (Though I am sure the stunt double does stuff, like the motorcycle chase, for insurance purposes.)


I have a theory about the affair in the drama! I don't believe it was the neighbor who had the affair with the husband. When Soohyun confronted her, she never actually admitted to being in the photo, just apologized for the situation. And the sisters' reactions seem suspicious to me. I have a feeling that the husband and the sister were together when they were out of town. But I'm not completely sure about the neighbor - why would she let herself be blamed if she wasn't involved? It's all so juicy and mysterious! This is a drama, after all, so I think the affair was actually with the sister. What do you all think?


어디니 (eo-di-ni) is the more informal, casual form of 어디에요(eo-di-eh-yo), as Seon-yul is much younger than Soo-hyun. The 니 (ni) actually isn't a particle per se, but it comes from 니가 (ni-ga) which means you (in the casual form).


I totally forgot that part! I agree with you, because this show LOVES showing conversations but withholding the meat of said conversation. When Yuri confronts Suho about the neighbor, I think she's mad that he came up with the neighbor as a lie to cover their affair, because that's almost as bad as saying Yuri herself. As for why the neighbor would agree to it, maybe she feels guilty because she saw who left the door open and never came forward, or Suho convinced her that it would hurt Soohyun less than the truth.


BABAHAH this was so funny watching you sit through 2 hours going “omg he’s the son! wait is he the son? oh, he’s not the son. OMG HE’S THE SON!!!!” 😂😂😂 I do really like the plot twist of him being the son of the other family and not the ones in the fire… I wonder how he and the other son got intertwined 🫨🫨🫨


ahh. probably because im so used to listening to idols talk and theyre usually the younger ones in a conversation so I always hear the more formal ones. thanks for the info!

Lani S

I agree with this theory as well. I haven't changed my mind. I still think it's the sister. As to why the neighbor would take the fall, I think this is her paying Soohyun back. I think both the husband and her and probably the sister too are all keeping the facts to themselves until they can reveal the actual murderer of the son. I don't think the husband has given up on his investigation on how the congressman was involved in the death of his son. He's just doing it in the down-low and biding his time. Also, did anybody notice the hint about Seonyul having some medical background? How he was able to just report to the doctor the extent of the injury of the gambler like a professional? His role description does say he was a med student dropout. So Suho's brother was probably about to tell Soohyun that they used to be classmates, but didn't get a chance to. As for the identity of Seonyul and Minhyuk, they have the same last name so I wonder if the parents adopted both of them. Or Eunwoo is a biological son and Minhyuk was adopted. Interestingly, they have the same last name as the dad, the one Soohyun killed, but they don't have the same last name as the mom who's in a coma. The mom actually has the same last name as the congressman. Here's my wild theory, the boy that survived the fire, his name had to be Gwon Seonyul because that's what was on the record of the psychologist. But I wonder if he died and his heart went to Eunwoo, so Eunwoo is in a way Seonyul that's why he has emotional ties to the arsonist. It's just hard for me to accept that he was faking his emotions when Soohyun gave him the diary. Or Minhyuk is the boy and they switched names? The reason why I don't think it's as easy as that is because this is a mystery drama, lots of misdirection. Like when Eunwoo threw the picture of Minhyuk on top of the diary, is that a hint that the diary belongs to Minhyuk, or is that misdirection again?

choco Shine

Hahaha - I can so relate to yours who is the son because same. Episode 6 was a roller coaster ride. I have a few theories: Seonyul father didn't cause the accident. It was the congressman who did tht and I guess his father took the blame as he needed money for his son's heart surgery Seonyul was planning this for the whole time. He knew from the start who was Soohyun and Minhyuk and now, he is playing everyone like a fiddle. I am sure he is after that corrupted congressman as well FYI, Eunwoo did all the stunts and I am so proud of him. Evn Kim Namjoo was worried about him and scolded him not to perform all the stunts haha


ahHhh i thought eunwoo was the son from the beginning because of the car scenes in the first episode but then they made me feel like i was stupid and wrong and it's not him -_- never trust kdrama writers


Thanks! Also, wanted to recommend the 'Pyramid Game' kdrama if you have time. It's ongoing rn with an all female cast and it's so gripping. Started watching it bc the concept was interesting and it's sooo good. I think you would like it and i'd love to see your reaction if you have time!


Also forget to mention that the main villian is Wonyoung IVE's sister.

Jee Emm

I am super suspicious about the step sister still. I feel like she's the woman in the picture and not the neighbor. the neighbor saved her from further heartache...