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Was not planning on this but craved EXO content because Kai's solo was announced!!




I miss them so much 🥲


FYI Lay was never in Love shot.


Hey Jeff BP ep 3 is uploaded on Viki if you’re still watching there


The funny thing is that in the old performances, they were all doing the hand shape thing different lol. Baek, Sehun, and Chen did the gun, while Kai, Chanyeol and Xiumin did the hand


Thanks for this reaction Jeff!


Jeff! Peak Time is out! I definitely recommend checking it out. Lots of great singers there. Some you may know since they are active right now trying to make a name for themselves. Some oldies with so much experience.


D.O spoiled it first 😂 he just casually mentioned on Bubble that he’s doing Love Shot practice 💀

Star Galaxy

HAHAHA the way you're switching from performer/reactor mode to fanboy mode is so funny lol. Also, I've heard that they might do something mid 2nd Quarter, maybe a festival?? solo con?? 🙈


I love that you fell in love with Suho (since he’s my bias haha). And even with all the turmoil happening now, I trust that Suho wouldn’t go on Twitter and confirm a comeback without it being a certainty.


Awww.. I miss EXO.. Thanks for reacting to this. Made me realize I miss watching their contents. Can't wait for their future releases!


I hope you react to Exo variety show like Exo ladder2. Exo variety is really fun🙌🏻🙌🏻

Maria Bithynia

I re-watch the Loveshot MV after seeing this behind the seen. And those who did not vote for it did not do it on the MV, while those who voted for the gun did it with a gun gesture on the MV.