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[Patreon] KAI - ROVER - MV REACTION | Jeff Avenue

➫ FOLLOW JEFF PATREON ‣ http://patreon.com/jeffavenue INSTAGRAM ‣ https://www.instagram.com/jeff__avenue/ TIKTOK ‣ https://www.tiktok.com/@jeff__avenue OTHER ‣ http://jeffavenue.carrd.co ➫ HI! I am an actor and content creator with Hollywood credits including roles on Lucifer (Netflix), Starlight Christmas (Hallmark), JT Leroy (Universal Studios), etc. In this channel, I offer insight to Kpop performances using my 10+ years of training in dance, acting, singing and overall performance. In dance, my forte are contemporary and musicals and have done most of my performances in theatre. Although my channel is mostly known for dance analysis, I am currently inactive in the dance community. #Kai



Great reaction as always ..... did you see what happened today between kai and sf9 Taeyang? it was soo funny


Thank you Jeff for the reaction!


It was said that Kai himself took part in the styling


As a dancer it must soooo nice to dance with someone like KAI because they really don't need to hold back with their dancing. KAI ALWAYS DELIVERS 🔥🙌🏻💯 I'm so proud and happy 😭💗 Thank you so much for the reaction Jeff!!!

Anika Bhattacharya

Thank you so much for this VERY QUICK upload, KAI IS THE EMBODIMENT OF SEXINESS AND PERFECTION. I couldn't stop fanboying too JEFF HAHA!! This was literal art and this man is a hot genius!! I can't wait for all the other content for him, thanks JEFF! (:

Rikki Evangelista

will you be reacting to film:kai?? its coming out on the 20th haha

Kay Popped

I loved this from the minute it came out. Was bopping to it. Then watched one of my other reactors, someone in the comments mentioned that it's a song SM bought from a Bulgarian artist. I wanted to see how different the two were, went to watch her version and then I was really disappointed that this is what they gave to a first-class SM artist. The other was released only 7 months ago. It soured me on it even though I like the song, because he did a great job, but I can't imagine why they'd let/make him do this. Sad panda. [PS they changed the lyrics, btw, but it's too similar]

Danette Hester

I just watched your youtube video where you expressed how you are sometimes reserved in your reactions to protect yourself. I can tell that you did not hold back for this one and I could tell you were having so much fun. Love that. I am glad that you can now react how you want to. I have watched your reactions for a few years and always love them. BTW, Kai is my ULT, ULT, so I get it. Enjoy!!!!


saw this too but didn’t know that the other one was just released 7 months ago. tbf, i have heard from sm music producers on tiktok that these songs can sometimes be on hold for months before the company decides that it’s the one to use. so maybe it’s been with kai for awhile. i’m also hoping that kai has a say in his music so if he really liked this song despite the other being released prior, then i’m happy for him ☺️

Koudedia Dramé

Came straight from YT do not regret! I love this song for him😭


so happy to see Jeff not holding back and being the fanboy he was born to be! NEW JEFF, NEW ERA, LET'S GOOOO!

Suveybe Tosun

I just came to subscribe because I was very curious about your reaction to kai. kai is amazing


I LOVEEEE fanboy Jeff!!!!! Love Rover and this album is definitely his best work yet! I’m actually so scared for the film cos if he’s going this hard then FILM is gonna go off!


Kai has been very excited about this comeback and has been hyping the song on bubble. So I am sure he us very satisfied with the song. Also, it was the original person decision to sell the song. She has been posting about Kai's rover on her insta story so she is also very satisfied with the song. At the end of the day both artists are happy and the song is amazing so it is a win for me 😊


JEFF he's going to do the Studio Choom performance bare chested, are you going to die?


I can't watch the whole reaction right now, but i wanna ask, will you react to the full album?? Cause it's another no skip album!! I can't wait for you to listen to it 🙏🏻🙏🏻

jinkichimchim (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-25 07:53:24 Our sweet sweet Kai 💜💜💜💜
2023-03-14 17:00:55 Our sweet sweet Kai 💜💜💜💜

Our sweet sweet Kai 💜💜💜💜

Katie Mathieu

Have you done a Lay Veil reaction or Xiumin Brand New?

Alex L.

The beat is so sickkkkk!!! I love the beat so so so much (it's like stomping). This song sounds so good, and Kai nailed it as usual. I'm with you on the high note part, I also didn't expect that note from Kai (no offense to him, it's just that all the high notes were taken care by other folks in EXO), and he did really well! Also amazing referencing to the ballet roots, and i also wish he did a small ballet move as well. Love your reaction and your comments!

Antonia Mier

Will you be reacting to Kai’s be original studio choom for Rover I would love to see your reaction to it