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And we're back! 

Watch EP 1 reaction here.




Happy you finally got to react to these, been waiting! Agree with your comments so far, including the what’s missing with some of the girls’ performances like Pharita. Can’t wait for you to watch the next episodes as their solo performances really got me hooked.


Happy to see you come back to the series. At 1st I did not get to Haram, but after all their evaluation, I think that she is one of the best of the team. She really know how to express with her voice and skill. The same with Ahyeon but I think that I like the color of Haram's voice a little bit more. For Pharita and Rora, I love their performance, but maybe they're too in their safety zone that take me out of my interest. But if they perform all together, I think that they are the one that help calm the emotion of the song while Haram, Chiquita and Ahyeon carry the highlight, the 02 rappers are the one to connect between those team. And yes, they're still young and have lot of potential.

gen a *

my only critique with YG is that i wish they would stop giving ruka english raps. english is her third language and it hinders her rap flow when they give her difficult words to pronounce, as compared to her raps in korean where you can see how skilled she is with switch changes and tempos. haram has my favorite voice out of the group by far. it's so unique and textured and easily distinctable. also, i can say that i've never heard a voice like hers in the kpop or western music industry so i'm really excited to see how YG will play with her voice. for the most part, i had the same sentiments abt pharita that you had (at first), pharita sounds incredible live but something is a little off with her facial expressions. what i think it is, is that because pharita's modeled before and been on the runway a lot, when she sings she tends to lean more toward her "model face" which is chic, with a little bit of squint in her eyes. another reactor explained it better than me but basically pharita has a bit of a confident expression when singing that doesn't really translate all that well when she's singing sentimental songs. i think it would be good for her if she practiced her facial expressions in the mirror or even recorded herself singing (like just sitting down and looking straight at the camera) and plays it back to monitor her performance. i could be wrong, but that's just my theory as to why i feel like i haven't connected to her emotionally when she's been singing emotional songs. it's easily fixable too so it's not even an actual problem for me, just something i've noticed.


oh thats interesting (re: modelling). I think some acting lessons would help - not just for her but also for everyone in the group - so that they can convey their message fully on screen.

Cee Watanabe (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-24 08:52:57 Yo Ruka chose what to rap tho… in monthly evaluations YG doesnt care what will they perform Look at Asa she had korean verse here. Also, if you watch their introducing videos you can see that Ruka always rapping in korean, it’s just the song (Gone) is English song so I think she though she should’ve rap in English too. I mean look at Chiquita she always choose to sing in English during their monthly evaluations, YG wasn’t requiring her to sing in korean.
2023-06-24 06:51:11 Yo Ruka chose what to rap tho… in monthly evaluations YG doesnt care what will they perform. Look at Asa she had korean verse here. Also, if you watch their introducing videos you can see that Ruka always rapping in korean, it’s just the song (Gone) is English song so I think she thought she should’ve rap in English too. I mean look at Chiquita she always choose to sing in English during their monthly evaluations (it’s literally in the video + she can’t speak fluent korean at that time so it’s understandable) YG wasn’t requiring anyone to sing in korean because monthly evaluations are more personal for the trainees to show how much they improved in a month + if they perform different language song/rap it’s their personal choice to show different side of them.

Yo Ruka chose what to rap tho… in monthly evaluations YG doesnt care what will they perform. Look at Asa she had korean verse here. Also, if you watch their introducing videos you can see that Ruka always rapping in korean, it’s just the song (Gone) is English song so I think she thought she should’ve rap in English too. I mean look at Chiquita she always choose to sing in English during their monthly evaluations (it’s literally in the video + she can’t speak fluent korean at that time so it’s understandable) YG wasn’t requiring anyone to sing in korean because monthly evaluations are more personal for the trainees to show how much they improved in a month + if they perform different language song/rap it’s their personal choice to show different side of them.