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Did the right group go home?? Which is your favorite Kpop Challenge Battle?



Chloe Chu

both tsubakill and wolflo are in my top 3 so there really wasn't a right answer for me 😭 even though tsubakill were my faves in swf2, i'm not surprised that wolflo won because they're all absolute monsters at battling (as we saw when they won all their no respect battles). it just sucks that they had to go against each other, because tsubakill definitely didn't deserve to leave SO early in the game especially when so much of their skills weren't even aired on the show 😔 i wanted to see all 44 kg of sayaka's clothes!!!! like at this point i'm thinking mnet gave them such little screentime bc at that point they were already eliminated 😭 i do hope that they pull a prime kingz and still post a video of what their mega crew mission would have been!


I really enjoy mannequeen and jam republic rivalry. I feel like if they go against any other crew they would dominate and it would be a little boring and predictable. Everytime I watch them I really don’t know who will win it gives me a heart-attack lol They match each others levels so well they are world class and giving us what we want everytime. They really are soulmates and their battles feel like another level in terms of quality. I feel so sad that tsubakill was eliminated I feel like the odds were stacked against them. Bebe just did so much better and made the point difference so high. I wonder if tsubakil matched up with another team if they would still be here. Bada is just too good 😭


I swear Mnet gave Tsubakill almost no screen time (they're going to bring Sayaka on this show and then never show her?? for what??) and now they're already eliminated, I wish they could have stayed longer (or at least that Mnet could stop being evil). Normally I'd be suspicious of Mnet for such a drastic point difference but in this case, I think the matchup with Bebe was just really unfortunate. Out of all the matchups I feel like Bebe and Tsubakill had the most similar vibes which made it hard for them to stand out from one another based on choreo alone, so it all came down to the finest details. I really like Wolflo too though so I would have been really sad to see them go too. I've felt really bad for Deep N Dab for the past couple of episodes but damn I feel like it really should have been down to them vs Wolflo.


re: JR vs MQ - I think Jam did a better job at expressing both songs. Like when dancing to dope, the lyric enemy enemy enemy, JR was like pointing out "the enemy", MQ just did more waacking

Julie Pham

Why does it make me a little teary eyed to see lots of K-pop fans don’t know Big Bang or GDragon anymore LOL I know it’s so silly but I just grow up listening to Big Bang since middle school haha and really only got back into K-pop when they released Still Life LOL Please react to some Big Bang MVs and stages. They’re so captivating ans performers and they were truly the first to usher hip hop and western influence into mainstream kpop. Also the way tsubakill splits in to duos and doing different moves between each member to create the visual is very fun. I just find their formations really refreshing to watch and not what’s expected for kpop. It’s actually reminds me of XG style a lot. Might be a Japanese dance culture thing? Had they perfected their synchronization and blend just a bit more, I think they would be a clear winner. Same way XG was able to have very street and hip hop moves and interesting formation but they blend and synch those difficult choreo so well that it stilllook pleasing and K-pop standard. I do think Bebe executed better bc of how clean they are while still bringing that individualism. I’m just a little bored of seeing some variety of a triangle formation with a center middle whenever there’s a K-pop choreo that I started to tune out some details. I think the creative variety of moves combination and the constant formation switch up made me immediately pay attention to tsubakill right away. I ado think it was slightly messy and thus made their choreo a little less impactful compare to Bebe. Such a shame. I love their choreo choices. Bebe slayed tho. And man…. Bada Lee is getting all the girls 🥵


This episode was such a rollercoaster for me. I love Tsubakill 🥹 I can't believe they're eliminated this early in the competition! 😭 They're like one of the strongest crew here in my opinion both as a team and as individuals. so when they announced the 2 teams for elimination battle my heart just sank 🥺 We all know that Wolf'Lo are pro battlers like seriously they're soooo good so I kinda felt it already what would happen BUT Tsubakill gave them such a good fight tho!! One of the best battles so far in this season 💯 Honestly, these 2 crews doesn't deserve to be in the bottom 2 ranking. It's really shocking. I don't know what to say anymore. PS: If Wild card is possible, I hope they get Tsubakill back. My remaining bets rn are: Bebe and Jam Republic. I hope they win 🙏🙏🙏

Star Galaxy

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who liked Mannequeen's performance better! (I mean they won the audience and online voting too). I think them going first was actually an advantage because the moves were still fresh and new, thus the "wow" factor. For Jam Republic, they did super well too but it's like I've seen the moves done in a more impactful way so they didn't really wow me as much as I would've if they went first. Since Mannequeen was just phenomenal, it was kinda hard to move on from their performance. Also, I think this is becoming my fave season? I just love everyone and everything, the performances, the groups, the battles. ughh.


Omg yessss. I want to see their mega crew mission too! 😭 that would have been epic!

Julie Pham

One thing with wolf lo that I think is costing them their mission win is trying to fit in the typical choreo mould that they’re losing their flavor a bit in the mission. I’m hopeful with mega crew and upcoming mission they can choreo the way they did in the battle. They have a distinct flavor. Their moves combo and vibe are so freaky in the best way. I really want them to show us something new with their group choreo instead of trying to make replicable moves. That’s not who they are. Jsut go wild with it. Sure it might not be tiktok replicable but it will give ppl a show. Much like the way hook make each performance their fun and funky flavor. I want Wolf lo to just get weird with it. They’re so amazing when they’re in their zone.


For the KPOP DEATH MISSION : I get why the judges voted JAM REPUBLIC they expressed both songs reallyyy well but just like you I also liked MANNEQUEEN performance better. Also since it's a Copy mission too, I'm also paying attention to those part and for me, MANNEQUEEN did both JR and their section really well meanwhile JR had some part (the leg up) where you could see they had difficulties Just pointing out for fun, JROC from BANK TWO BROTHER was in the public I'm sad TSUBAKILL had to leave because in my opinion they were one of the crew who were really good at both battles and choreography so it's a shame. I feel like if MNET didn't cut most of their screentime/battles they might have got a higher chance of survival because of the votes. I love WOLF'LO mindset so much, from Halo in the leader class saying she just want to chose the best choreography, to them being like so positive about the schore and at the end with TSUBAKILL. Also they might be battlers but from I have seen so far, there aren't that bad with choreographies neither. Also I just love their mindset and attitudes in general, I love how MNET portrayed them as tough but they are just supportive and sweet, it's funny. Mini and Babysleek choreography is my favorite, it was just so cool and the end got me hype. Also I love how Babysleek put a pink jacket just because of Mini, it's so funny 😂 Can't wait for you to see the next mission, the videos are already posted on THE CHOOM channel and some crews are crazy good, it went so hard 😭

Violet Joo

I really like Mannequeen too. They showed us much more variety I think so for me it was Mannequeen's win. I just think I have seen JR choreo a lot so it was not many new things. I like Audrey's contorsion part and the groove is there but MQ is much more versatile in my opinion. I like WolfLo too. Their style is so raw and also I like that many of their dancer are of an older age. My fave groups are Mannequeen and Bebe and WolfLo but this season is really difficult to pick a favorite cuz they are soo good.


It's very unfortunate that Tsubakill is eliminated... They're a really good crew, but I just think the opponents weren't good. Anyway, if you have time, please watch their crew song performance video! Because other crew's videos are still subject to voting, but Tsubakill's videos are now out of the evaluation. https://youtu.be/Y1F2gbiabOU?si=I1r38NrYf2MBx-s_ And... did you see Hanbin and Matthew of zb1 do the click like challenge together?? I love that both of them have different charms☺️ https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSLEdW9Hs/

Gadah (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-24 07:16:41 i agree w you , i enjoyed MQ performance more than JR but I get why the judges picked JR. Tsubakill didn’t deserve to leave honestly I think the are included in the top 3 crews in this season but I agree with the results of their battle against Wolf lo so I guess it just wasn’t their day. Also , I can’t wait to your reaction for the Mega crew mission it’s OUTSTANDING this season.
2023-11-24 07:16:41 i agree w you , i enjoyed MQ performance more than JR but I get why the judges picked JR. Tsubakill didn’t deserve to leave honestly I think the are included in the top 3 crews in this season but I agree with the results of their battle against Wolf lo so I guess it just wasn’t their day. Also , I can’t wait to your reaction for the Mega crew mission it’s OUTSTANDING this season.
2023-11-24 07:16:41 i agree w you , i enjoyed MQ performance more than JR but I get why the judges picked JR. Tsubakill didn’t deserve to leave honestly I think the are included in the top 3 crews in this season but I agree with the results of their battle against Wolf lo so I guess it just wasn’t their day. Also , I can’t wait to your reaction for the Mega crew mission it’s OUTSTANDING this season.
2023-11-24 07:16:41 i agree w you , i enjoyed MQ performance more than JR but I get why the judges picked JR. Tsubakill didn’t deserve to leave honestly I think the are included in the top 3 crews in this season but I agree with the results of their battle against Wolf lo so I guess it just wasn’t their day. Also , I can’t wait to your reaction for the Mega crew mission it’s OUTSTANDING this season.
2023-11-24 07:16:41 i agree w you , i enjoyed MQ performance more than JR but I get why the judges picked JR. Tsubakill didn’t deserve to leave honestly I think the are included in the top 3 crews in this season but I agree with the results of their battle against Wolf lo so I guess it just wasn’t their day. Also , I can’t wait to your reaction for the Mega crew mission it’s OUTSTANDING this season.
2023-09-15 12:26:18 i agree w you , i enjoyed MQ performance more than JR but I get why the judges picked JR. Tsubakill didn’t deserve to leave honestly I think the are included in the top 3 crews in this season but I agree with the results of their battle against Wolf lo so I guess it just wasn’t their day. Also , I can’t wait to your reaction for the Mega crew mission it’s OUTSTANDING this season.

i agree w you , i enjoyed MQ performance more than JR but I get why the judges picked JR. Tsubakill didn’t deserve to leave honestly I think the are included in the top 3 crews in this season but I agree with the results of their battle against Wolf lo so I guess it just wasn’t their day. Also , I can’t wait to your reaction for the Mega crew mission it’s OUTSTANDING this season.


I cried when Tsubakill got eliminated. And I would've cried too if it was wolflo. I just think none of them should go. I was rooting so hard for Tsubakill :(


All these crews are so amazing!! I am not a dancer but I love dance so much. This makes me want to watch swf 1. I never watched it but I might give it a try


Wolflo is the vibe in this season. They are so real with their preference and their dance. They are so funny as well and even though they take the competition seriously, they didn’t lose who they are and still the goofy unnies. I have major crush on Halo for sure


I’m soo sad for Tsubakill cuz they’re like top dancer from Japan. And we all missed their battle in 1,2 episodes too, they’re really really good, I still mad that Mnet didn’t include their battles in the episodes. Momo’s battle was really good🔥. She also joined street dance of China (I think ss4) before, the shows that many top dancers from many many countries join. In that season Lay from Exo, Wang Yibo ex-Uniq, Hangeng and Henry from super junior were the teams’ leaders. In other season, Jackson Wang from Got7 was also the leader. So like this show is very popular both in China and internationally since there’s many top dancers from all around the world there. Even world’s champions were there too! And in that season Momo was one of the well known dancers from the show too.

Llyjil Busch

This is just a dream from a KPOP lover! But I hope MNET will feature IDOL GROUPS to have a dance shows like this lol girl groups then boy groups. See some dramas and interactions together. It's seems impossible but I think it sounds entertaining too see their talents more! Fandoms will go crazy too!! lol


For the YG match, I like both team a lot. I'm a huge fan of YG artists. The performance of Wolf'Lo did a great job to emphasize the groove and vibe of both song. Wow, I love the smooth flow of their whole movement, they're all connect like a stream of river. I love the copy part of SHUT DOWN, it's a cool sexy vibe of a grown up mature woman. Totally opposite, 1MILLION has so many great images, they're an expert in formation and transition. Their SHUT DOWN is their advantage with the alluring sexy feminine vibe, the Coup D'etat is great with image but I feel a little less of the vibe of the song, the transition between 02 songs is so wow. I would give my vote to Wolf'Lo cause they highlight the rhythm of the song so well just with the movement. The best match is so obviously goes to JAM and MANNEQUEEN. Both are super super super good. Mannequeen can show their best for this is their whole group, everybody is at the same level of skill and experience (they're more well round in genre than Wolf'Lo's members) so nobody is left behind in term of energy. This also show what MONICA said in the Middle class's mission, the other dancers did not match with Waackxxxy and Yoon Ji skill. For JAM, it's totally match the beat of the songs. For Jam style, their creativity is insane and they show their playfulness. I feel like I enjoy the songs together with them. It's just for your own taste to vote. I want to choose both. The final battle of Wolf'Lo and Tsubakill is the best battle throughout 3 season till this point for me.

Ben -kun

Both Kingdom and Queendom is just like that, i recommend it


I disagree with your comment regarding Lady Bounce. If you watch the video without cuts you can notice that Lady Bounce’s angles are much better and neater than Deep n Daps


OMMGG idk if you’ll react to the released mega crew performances or wait for the next episode but THEY ARE REALLLLYY GOOD

Negar Yazdani

I was REALLY surprised to see Tsubakill leave because they're definitly stronger than some of the crews there... To me they're one of the top crews and the difference with Bebe wasn't THAT big at all so they shouldn't have battled in the first place. But WolfLo definitely won fair and square. :)

Darllyn L.

For the price money, they won’t mind it as they are also being paid individually per appearance on the show and plus if they win or get popular after the show there will be brand deals too.. 👌👌

Darllyn L.

I read it somewhere on twitter/x before, I couldn’t find it now tho so I’m also unsure if it was verified or not to be honest😅 this was not revealed to public, not really sure why? maybe they’re trying to avoid “scripted” issues or something.


Damn I really wish Tsubakill stayed on the show! Their choreography is just so different and they utilize props and formations so well! Wolf Lo is such a good battling crew though so I get it. But I really enjoyed Tsubakill's freshness and we need an All-Stars edition of SWF!

Nhi Hoang Luu

by being on the show each group gained their popularity and net worth. so even if they're not winning they still achieve things, for example brand ambassador, CFs, commercial appearance, other TV shows guests, etc...

Lora K.

I can't help but feel that the huge difference in score between Tsubakill and Bebe was due to the prior team being Japanese and the latter being Korean competing in Korea. Every time Tsubakill was on stage I could hear the competitors say Korea vs Japan and make it a completion between countries instead of it being a dance competition. We all know how hostile Koreans can be towards the Japanese due to their history. They were such a strong team and it's unfortunate that they had to be placed at the bottom.


Exactly how I see this gap in their score ! That's why I'm not a big fan of audience voting because they're usually so biased in their reasoning.

morati carol

am I the only one who feels that the whole class mission should have had a little bit of impact on the first elimination, because it feels like such a waste with how much the crews had to work for and then its results not being used for anything. it was a chance for them to show themselves of of course, but they should have counted that as well. the whole voting for the kpop mission was done way before the show started and it wasn't for that long tbh, so obviously the groups with prior fandoms will benefit compared to those that are gonna grow their fandom from the onset of the show. so I think counting the class mission would have been a bit more of a fair chance for everyone

Violet Joo

Yes I don't like the audience voting because they are going to vote for someone they have already picked regardless the whole performance. I have seen it in so many survival shows that at this point I really would like to stop making them vote.


It's been a week but I'm still so sad that tsubakill went home on the first round. They did not deserve to be eliminated!! And they were definitely one of the stronger crews overall and deserved to be in the finals. Don't know if you've seen but since the last episode, a lot of tsubakill's dances have gone viral which is good to see! You can really feel the love of people for them after they got to know them better.


I agreed with the judges’ winners basically every time this go around. I did feel bad for TK going up against a Korean crew and they did NOT deserve to be the first crew to go home (imo, the weakest so far have been DND & LB). So in that sense, I’m very sad! For MQ vs JR, it was no competition to me. Like I greatly appreciate waacking as a dance form and I think MQ’s waackers are VERY talented but when I hear a song like Dope… waacking is not what comes to mind! JR got the vibe of that song SO much better to me, and I also preferred their choreo to Lssfm too because the intro with the mannequins caught my interest right away. I’m fully willing to admit I’m biased though bc JR is mg fav crew and even tho MQ is a talented crew I absolutely can’t stand Redlic (not just the racism but I genuinely think as a dancer if you told her she couldn’t flip her hair around she’d lost her main trick). I’m nervous for mega crew having watched all of them online bc I think my 2nd fav team Bebe will be in trouble buuuuut we’ll see. I’ll save my thoughts for that reaction!!

soyoun kim

waiting for your ep.5 .... love

Costonia Martinez

broooo bebe team they did sooo good the dynamics were so nice to catch my attention i was definitely on team bebe

Ann Dc

g dragon coup d'etat... I am so happy to see it executed. iconic T_T I'm a bit late to see it and have too many favs, I root for the foreign crews a lot. so much better than the men's season

S O (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-15 18:26:15 Did the right group go home?? Noooo not at all!!! Tsubakill should have stayed way longer if not till finals. Letting them go first was not a good decision. I mean even having to choose which group will leave first between Wulflo and Tsubakill is wrong on so many levels...
2024-06-15 18:26:15 Did the right group go home?? Noooo not at all!!! Tsubakill should have stayed way longer if not till finals. Letting them go first was not a good decision. I mean even having to choose which group will leave first between Wulflo and Tsubakill is wrong on so many levels...
2024-06-15 18:26:15 Did the right group go home?? Noooo not at all!!! Tsubakill should have stayed way longer if not till finals. Letting them go first was not a good decision. I mean even having to choose which group will leave first between Wulflo and Tsubakill is wrong on so many levels...
2024-06-15 18:26:15 Did the right group go home?? Noooo not at all!!! Tsubakill should have stayed way longer if not till finals. Letting them go first was not a good decision. I mean even having to choose which group will leave first between Wulflo and Tsubakill is wrong on so many levels...
2024-06-15 18:26:15 Did the right group go home?? Noooo not at all!!! Tsubakill should have stayed way longer if not till finals. Letting them go first was not a good decision. I mean even having to choose which group will leave first between Wulflo and Tsubakill is wrong on so many levels...
2024-06-15 18:26:15 Did the right group go home?? Noooo not at all!!! Tsubakill should have stayed way longer if not till finals. Letting them go first was not a good decision. I mean even having to choose which group will leave first between Wulflo and Tsubakill is wrong on so many levels...
2024-06-15 18:26:15 Did the right group go home?? Noooo not at all!!! Tsubakill should have stayed way longer if not till finals. Letting them go first was not a good decision. I mean even having to choose which group will leave first between Wulflo and Tsubakill is wrong on so many levels...
2024-06-15 18:26:15 Did the right group go home?? Noooo not at all!!! Tsubakill should have stayed way longer if not till finals. Letting them go first was not a good decision. I mean even having to choose which group will leave first between Wulflo and Tsubakill is wrong on so many levels...
2024-06-15 18:26:15 Did the right group go home?? Noooo not at all!!! Tsubakill should have stayed way longer if not till finals. Letting them go first was not a good decision. I mean even having to choose which group will leave first between Wulflo and Tsubakill is wrong on so many levels...
2024-06-15 18:26:15 Did the right group go home?? Noooo not at all!!! Tsubakill should have stayed way longer if not till finals. Letting them go first was not a good decision. I mean even having to choose which group will leave first between Wulflo and Tsubakill is wrong on so many levels...
2024-06-15 18:26:15 Did the right group go home?? Noooo not at all!!! Tsubakill should have stayed way longer if not till finals. Letting them go first was not a good decision. I mean even having to choose which group will leave first between Wulflo and Tsubakill is wrong on so many levels...
2024-04-13 03:43:51 Did the right group go home?? Noooo not at all!!! Tsubakill should have stayed way longer if not till finals. Letting them go first was not a good decision. I mean even having to choose which group will leave first between Wulflo and Tsubakill is wrong on so many levels...

Did the right group go home?? Noooo not at all!!! Tsubakill should have stayed way longer if not till finals. Letting them go first was not a good decision. I mean even having to choose which group will leave first between Wulflo and Tsubakill is wrong on so many levels...