Update (Patreon)
I feel I've been doing too many different things. I been making models, 3 different animations and learning how to do a 'transformation' effect which literally sucked days of my time.
Here's a little list:
Finished the Ciri Animation of that poster. Just waiting for sound (Involves fluids)
Started a Bunny Animation. (Involves fluids)
Remade my Mizora Model (BG3) and came up with a transformation effect to transform from Human to Cambion (Devil form). Started a long ass animation with her and Shadowheart. (Might sub in Tav, undecided) (Also Involves fluids). This is my longest animation yet, around 60 seconds~
Made a Mind Flayer model for some Mind Control action at some point
Made a Evelyn model (Cyberpunk)
I really want to do some 'finishes' this year so my first 3 animations have fluids T_T Maybe not a great idea but the best way to learn.
I'm really happy how the Ciri animation ended up and how the Mizora animation is coming a long. Not so much the Bunny animation but it just needs some love~
TLDR - Lots of progress between new models and animations but nothing to post just yet~