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Just a update on things~

Been busy with life so been short on time. Still been chipping away on things though, just finished a animation with Jill and sent it off for sound.

Also started working on a Christmas poster, ran into some serious roadblocks with software limitations but managed to work around them. I plan to do another 2 posters aswell.

It also just dawned on me that i havent taken a holiday this year, outside a few long weekends. Decided to take a few weeks off during this christmas period. Probably just 2 weeks or so. 

Really appreciate all the continued support. 2020 has been a rough year, im sure everyones looking forward to the holidays and the new year~



Enjoy a well deserved rest :-)


We completely understand and I agree. You deserve a long holiday break. Take good care of yourself.🥰

Raymond Lee

Don’t burn out! Definitely take care of yourself (especially during in the times we’re in) and have a great holiday break.


Your output this year has been insane! Enjoy your break.


Thanks for the update and get plenty of rest dude you deserve it!


u made so many amazing animations this year, take a good break mate! thanks for everything!


Yes, we are looking forward to the holidays just like you and I want to hope that 2021 will bring good luck to everyone!