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Rey animation complete! Sent off for sound.

I finally figured out how to extract models from Mass Effect Legendary Edition, so i'll be working on a model from that next~

Also, next month on the 7th, i will be resetting the patreon dropbox link. Its been a few months since the last time so i feel its due for a reset. So if you plan to cancel your sub next month sometime, do it after the 7th~



Pray for Miranda or Liara, this is good news.


So congratulations on completing animation. And it's great that you figured out how to retrieve the models, good luck.


Femshep and Aria would be awesome!

Atelier Minceur

What do you mean by resetting the Patreon Dropbox link ?


Just that i'll be setting a new link for it and the old link wont work. I do this every 2-3 months.