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Some bad news. I was using google sync to upload my files. What i didnt know was that it removes the files from my HD. So when people were having issues with the link i thought i'd delete the uplload and try again. But since it deleted the files from my HD to upload onto google, i have no files anymore.

Currently speaking with google support to see if theres anything that can be done.

So its possible i've lost all my uploads with no backups : /


Oh no ):


You can recover from your hard drive, if you have not done any new file transfers to it. Try an undelete software like Recuva or anything else.


It will not work with a SSD though. Also try the trash folder in the google drive as well


Some of us also keep copies of your uploads locally stored


Oh god. Let's see. I have pretty much everything from 2015 onward but I haven't been a patron for a few months now.


I am a recent Patreon with a full Dropbox download. I'd be more than happy to share. PM me if needed. 👍


... Missing your September 2021 uploads though...


Oh man sorry to hear that hope it works out.


Log into Google Drive on web. Your files may be in the Bin. I think Google Drive empties the bin every 30 days.

Jason Schneider-Fuller

Hey Tyler, that sucks mate hope you can sort it. Maybe consider moving to dropbox where you have full version control and redundancy built in? It's more $$$ than google drive but worth it IMHO Hope they can help get your files back. Lots of cloud storage nows defaults to moving your files to the cloud and removing them from your HDD to alleviate local storage issues.


Yes, this is a little sad ... I hope you can somehow sort it out and get back the files that were deleted