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Hey so been working on a Kass model since the poll went up last week~ Is progressing nicely.

One of the reasons you dont see much Kass stuff is because the way the models are compiled within the game. Usually games have a pretty basic structure of 3 or so texture maps that modders can extract and port into our own programs.

But AC:Odysey (and some others) dont do this. Meaning the only thing we can extract from the game is the mesh and a normal texture. So i have to rig/weight and texture it all myself which is really difficult.

So yeah, thats why Kassandra content is almost non-existant~

Anyway, making good progress. Got her rigged up, textures im pretty happy with. Going to get some armor/clothing from the game than just need some testing.

On a side note, will have another animation posted later today~




Good job on making the model. It looks awesome already. 👍 Look forward to that animation.


Yea!! This is a big one I am really excited for, I know to expect greatness. I hope you will use her multiple times, the thought of seeing her take it in her pussy is the most exciting.


The model is looking great! Can't wait to see what's in store.


Well that's interesting (some cool "behind the scenes" info), but TBH, I'm more interested in how the CP2077 babes did in the poll (read as "likelihood of becoming an upcoming project"). ;-)


Looking great! And thanks for the behind the scenes info, it was interesting.


So glad you're making this model! It's crazy that there's almost no animated porn of her.

Douglas Quaid

You're hard work does not go unnoticed. We really appreciate it. Kassandra content is sorely lacking.

achilles hoplite

Very excited. Looking forward to this