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Been working on a new model. Cheri Nowlin from Cyberpunk. Finished her up and started working on a animation with her over the weekend~ 




FINALLY ! Some side characters from CP2077 (heck, any CP2077 character). I love me some Witcher, but the gals of Night City have been getting WAY underused. All that said, credit to you for picking Cheri. She is one of the more interesting gals (even though we don't get much background on her), of course working at Clouds probably means she's familiar with kinky desires. Something tells me she's not a helpless gal either, her tats and leg augments suggest that she may do (have done) more than work the desk as a receptionist.


Neat. I like it. Rita Wheeler deserves some love too. She's the hottest babe in the game, imo! Make it happen! More cyberpunk!


Ah the receptionist at Clouds! Great choice so she wants to get some "love" too :D Looks like an amazing model with those tattoos and her special leg cyberware.


There is one adult-only clip with Rita in it. She's riding some lucky guy and you get to see the scene from two different angles. If I remember correctly, she has her dual underarm holstered pistols and spiky-blade forearms,,,,,,,,,,, and a big MOXES tattoo on her chest. It's a hard clip to find though, I think I saw it buried in a compilation somewhere.


@HalfBreedMix, that's a clip made by Rescraft, found here: https://twitter.com/Rescraft1/status/1457298485175222275 Sinthethic also made a clip with Rita in it: https://twitter.com/SintheticR18/status/1553489754481623041