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Hello everyone.

Here is new character for V.R. 1.9. She can be the leader of Sisterhood. I try some modification on her and not sure how she can look. Let´ s chceck them from left to right. 

First can be called normal - one gunsword normal body. 

Second have slightly bigger ass and crazy eyes. 

Third is classic with bigger boobs. 

Fourth have two gunsword to look more dangerous. 

Fifth have just smaller boobs.

I am still not sure whitch one is best.

Anyway pool is still active so please vote about next progress of my site...

Thanks for support...




I'd say, bid tits and ass with slighltyvcrazy eyes/expressions/personality :D , oh and one gunsword is definetely enough, her body is a weapon aftee all isnt it , harr harr ^^

Terro Deryu

i too like the second one


2+4 Crazy and dangerous best combination


I think just 4 would be best becouse if you think ahead making her the intimidating type that later on becomes the more obedient once you compleated her quests does Sound interesting doesnt it ?


Big Boobs version. Always. Because big boobs. But I also liked the crossed weapons because she is the leader of the Sisterhood and she must be badass.


Your lord Deo knows that the wench must have the face of #4 but the thiccness of #2. Once Deo subdues her she will show her true slut nature


And I, Deo, demand more scenes of Sam and fucking wenches silly


She is cool warrior, i hope she’ll get in trouble soon...