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Hello patrons.

I feel like some members of sisterhood need more love so I decide to draw new scene for Reika. Step by step I am closer to new version but still.. I want to add more possbilities to gameplay... Any ideas?

Thanks for support



Metal Moron

combat potential or conquering the wasteland or using a certain drug to make people your slave idk to be honest my best one is showing a cause and effect system like if your aiding the sisterhood you lose support aka some influence from the slavers and vise versa or if you neglect artemisa(hope thats right) you have a chance of idk wipeing out the town or having them stop supporting you or host body dies due to not milking her for awhile. last one is you could introduce different vaults with each unique property like if you activate this one you can get better upgrades for obee and lab. sorry but these are just ideas i know it would be hard to program i'm just throwing ideas out there. but keep up the good work man i enjoy the vault game alot keep up the good work man!!!!


Thanks for ideas... i already think about make some rivality problem is game would be harder if i make it that way... adding new vaults with the design of rpg maker can be one possibility and add new stuff focused on upgrades can be fun... i must think about programing...