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Hello patrons.

So I finally implement Ino and her scenes to game... Now is time to add Sakura... If you want you can test her right now... Some interaction with other characters will be added in full version....







Scenes for Sakura is almost ready so lover / Namigan scripting is now on turn... plus some extra scenes interactions and other... Hope it will be good... For now Ino paths is easy to achive - just talk to her during day in shop and during night in new location.... plus some interaction and buy some stuff from shop like whip expanion scroll atd.....

for next progresss - many of you write me about vault repopulation and where will be next update... so probably after releasing full version of sarada training -  repopoulation will be on plan but all depend on you and voting...

If you find anything what should be changed in game write me or just type ideas for full release her....

Thanks for support...


Kiyu69 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-10 09:31:20 Good stuff man keep it up! <3
2018-07-06 16:23:59 Good stuff man keep it up! <3

Good stuff man keep it up! <3


some of the links are broken for me

Metal Moron

nice beta can't wait to play the full thing


You need to copy whole link with code... it should work..


everytime i download from the google.drive link and go to click the EXE file to play it my antivirus quarintines the file what should i do?

Metal Moron

i usually restore that file and then put it on my ignore section. but what program of antivirus do you have

Metal Moron

well you need to restore it next time its in the quarantine and then there should be a box saying ignore check that box and it should work cause i had that problem when launching the application and thats what i had to do to start it up

Zack Hackett

i cant get to the namigan blowjob part keeps saying go step by step but ive done all the last ones


Yeah that part is a little tricky - you need to Invite Ino to bar at night and pick option - drink vine to unlock namigan interaction.... then you need to have unlocked expansion training with tsunade to use it on ino... then buy clips and use it on Ino... then you need namigan higher then level 30 and blowjob scene is unlocked...

Luis Felipe Sanches

I want a lot, i love the game and dialogues, but sometime is boring to complete all the history again with a plus


just copy and paste into save file: <a href="https://drive.google.com/open?id=1t-Tnw8t9K1P3orUSdrK5eWIBXRTNYrok" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/open?id=1t-Tnw8t9K1P3orUSdrK5eWIBXRTNYrok</a>


The mega links aren't set up properly and it popping up version 1.2 not 1.3


Sorry for that... 1.3. Is in progress I want to release it today so try full version please...