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Hello patrons.

First quick look on the scenes from new game.

Voting on next update is still in the last post. And your votes for V.R. make the last pool really close.

- I am stuck in the new project and what an advice: 

-  First, I was thinking if I create a perfect simulation of real life and add some hot girls that can be dated and fucked it will be fun and informative, But after creating some basic lines and shapes of the game I must say even if it is in the way how I want to create it first it is a little long and some people can look it boring. The main problem is that grind is pretty long even when it is the main think I didn't like in the xxx games. 

-  The second option is that I create a classic xxx game when you find a friendly female scientist that will give you some superpowers probably mind control or something like that (write down superpowers if you like that option) Base shape of the game will be the same but I will add an alternative line similar like it is in the Sarada training. 

-  The second question is this. I am not sure what kind of relationship should be added in the game... I can create a script to block multi relationship, so if your date Bety you can't have another relationship. Only if you break up with her. And if you break up with her you can't get back to her. Or just date everyone and never break up just fuck util the end :)

Thanks for support...


Bob Bryan

Mind control would be great


Mind control breast expansion

Zach Malmstrom

Mind control/memory manipulation


Rather than just straight up mind control, some form of corruption ability that is not too broken where you will need to slowly corrupt the characters one step at a time could also be nice. Maybe like a lust state or something where the final state is a total obedience sex slave. The classic love route vs lust route.


Slowly coruption system will be certainly good idea... i originally want to earn mind control as a superpower. then thinking about creating it with some kind of scientific tool that can be tested on game subjets.... increasing it efectivity based on tool-power system and level plus upgrading... but two separate way for every character is must have...