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Hello everyone...

So new project is finally complete. You can download it here:












It is up to you to tell if this game is good or not... I add a save with all characters unlocked just copy and past and you can test it... 

The game is not in the way I originally want, but it is a solid start and biggest new release I made so far... All depend on you how this game end, if it be popular or not...

 Anyway, now I will work on Sarada Training then Vault repopulation and then will be next voting about site progress... 

Thanks for support...



the game is good... i like it but i suggest to become more easier obtain charisma and weight..... i didn't find a way to raise them.....if you don't send a save with all characters unlocked i can't go on with the game


Save is here... just click on link and paste it... weight is changed only once per week charisma will rise with talking and trainig body... or use cheat menu....


out of curiosity do you aim to have the weight increase?


need a clock or something to show what time segment we are currently in, the brightness of the screen is a bad indicator.


how to continune bety story after escort her and talk?


how do i get the attention of cindy?


Finally got a change to try this out. Really like the style of the game and concept, a nice change of pace from the other games. However, I felt that the game play, for lack of better word, is a bit too cumbersome even with the guide. IMO, these type of game would work better with a simpler feedback loop of game play. Ex, I could had sworn I did everything for Anna properly, run with her 5 time, talk before lunch and train a bunch of time but still not sure how to progress with her cause the when I talk with her before lunch the only option I got was to mind control.


I will try to make the tutorial better... It is a little messy mainly because of the daytime changes... To have a succes with Anna you need to train hard many weeks or buy superpower or use cheat menu...


You need to start in the bar - talk with strangers 10 times or more then she notice you during in the bar and then you need to talk with her in the school...


I plan to release it in next ten days...


I'm stuck at the part where Cindy freaks-out after studying what do I do after?


During night visit market and buy specail mind pills for Cindy then During evening give the pills to the Cindy

Anthony Docimo

a tiny detail: the Help menu says its only possible to date one girl at a time without a breakup...I dated all three sequentially (before figuring out the Principal) and didn't notice a breakup (then again, I don't notice some things, sadly.


Yeah it was an original idea to make possible dating only 1 girl... then patrons decided they want to date all at the time so I changed it but forgot to change it in help

Aldrian Briandychea

How to find cheat menu if we doesn't given a clue

Kamos (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-10 09:20:39 cheat menu - during lunch click a few times at the stones that are on the right side of the map... https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/3/eyJ3Ijo2MjB9/patreon-media/p/post/25278356/f290255320b84c9297fad84d2fb1927b/1.jpg?token-time=1586877117&token-hash=lNHLdQxKPGraEhT4KJya1mmf7ke_AjL0KnL6rS0gj9k%3D
2020-03-31 15:13:17 cheat menu - during lunch click a few times at the stones that are on the right side of the map... https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/3/eyJ3Ijo2MjB9/patreon-media/p/post/25278356/f290255320b84c9297fad84d2fb1927b/1.jpg?token-time=1586877117&token-hash=lNHLdQxKPGraEhT4KJya1mmf7ke_AjL0KnL6rS0gj9k%3D

cheat menu - during lunch click a few times at the stones that are on the right side of the map... https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/3/eyJ3Ijo2MjB9/patreon-media/p/post/25278356/f290255320b84c9297fad84d2fb1927b/1.jpg?token-time=1586877117&token-hash=lNHLdQxKPGraEhT4KJya1mmf7ke_AjL0KnL6rS0gj9k%3D