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Hello patrons.

 I am still working on the script, but meanwhile I try to make some cute Kaguya tit fuck scene... Hope it looks good... And what are plans for this week? One promo share post with another creator and then release the half update with Temari... 

Thanks for support...




Will Kaguya and Temari be story characters or side characters and will you add more to Kurotsuchi Tenten, and Kushina like add them to story like for the endings


Yes i plan to add them all in the ending and make a final scene with all girls depend on how you play.... main story expanded with adding night in the hidden stone village...

Albert Stein

Her face is so cute...almost like a child's, which doesn't suit her personality, but I do like the way it looks. I have an interesting idea...what if you have her third eye bigger, but closed at all times except when she is mad about something?

Steven Marks

Your art keeps getting better! Great job!


She will be more like test subject in the game - like Kushina... So her personality will not be cruel or dominant... But yeah third eye need to be bigger I didnt notice it is too small...