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Hello everyone...

 I am not sure what is going on with mega. NZ but for some reason upload does not work for me right now... even workload is not working today for me... maybe I have some problem with connection or just not sure what is going on... 

 The update is complete so I will try to upload it again tomorrow, hope it will be working... if you know any free download / upload site link it here I will try it... If it will not work I need to use another PC to make the next release happen...

Thanks for support...




Just a thought, but what about Google drive?


Google drive only allows a certain amount of downloads. Another Dev used Google and for several days patrons could not download the update. It really caused an uproar. I think the Dev lost some patrons because of it


Stick to Mega, hopefully there’s a fix soon. Google has download limits whereas Mega has no restriction apart from what the user is limited to for their download I think? if not today, try again tomorrow. I’m fine with waiting Kamos plus if there’s any last minute bug fixes then you could just test out a few more things before tomorrow’s upload. Hope Mega fixes itself soon


Got you. I know of some devs that still use it and wanted to throw it out there. Thanks for letting me know so I don't make that mistake again.




They have a patron account to its more a arcive of h,games for android

Tri Tran

Check your mail.


Nopy is a site to try for free hosting

Zach Malmstrom

Temari will not let me fuck her i have tried everything i can think of am i missing something?