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Hello everyone.

 This is how can Akeno look in the swimsuit.... It still needs some changes, but it is still not a final version...

 Originally I want to post her version of the classic suit, then try the maiden suit, but both look not so good so I decide to pick this one where you can see a little more of her skin.... Also, I am still not sure if she deserves main suit school uniform - similar to Rias or her maiden suit that is mostly used in the battles. 

Soon I will post some pools about main story to decide which one should be best / most interesting for the game... I am still preparing some variations and not sure how it will be the best for the game... 

One last thing... I want to start this game with 3 playable characters...  Koneko will be the third character and there will be some interaction with all characters together... So basically you will have option to have some fun with Rias, Akeno and Koneko...

 I think it should be a great start to the game since Rias is like a normal busty girl, Akeno is more mature / super busty and Koneko is more lowly type.... If I do not screw it up with scenes / drawing it should work...

Thanks for support...




The beginning of the game, I agree, looks pretty good, it really will be fun) And make a choice in favor of the Akeno costume

Ronaldo garaway

please animation to the scenes


10/10 good


It is not hard to make animation... problem is it is not working in the game in the way I want to create it and if I change the way how it work it take too much Mb...

Christopher Brancheau

Dear sweet demon king I think I am even more in love with her

Cahya Zakariya

I hope the character models when the sex part is good too


Tbh akeno is just a little bit too Thicc/muscle


Maybe a little.. I wanted to make her a little different...