Recapitulation 2016 plans for 2017 (Patreon)
New year is here in a few days so what is plan for next year?
1. First think is whore maker 1.5.
This update will bring minimaly 2 new locations and minimal 2 new female character. I dont know how fast i make it because game is start to get bigger and first bug apper.
That is the main reason why is game little bigger now i must ensure it will work on any computer add some script and change the way how game save.
2. Manual will be added to patreon. So patrons can check if they made all steps and complete everything what is now possible in game. This is the thing i want to give to my patreon page in next days.
3. Update update update ........ for now i plan work on Whore maker minimaly to version 2.0. I know it is wery stupid to say that mainly because the version 1.4. is now actual. Some update will be bigger then others but i hope every one bring new character with some fun options. Finally for version 2.0. I Actualy plan to make this game to game level. What that mean? Intro and outro and of course ending for game when player can actual finish it.
4. Finish the story. Now it didnt look like this game have story but some things and characters is already chained together so in future it make a bigger (or lower) sense.
5. New project. Working name is Vault repopulation. Whore maker is adventure adult game. I personaly love adventures when you can walk with hero and do other things too. Not just some scripts when you still look to pics and choose options. But i love that kind of game too so i want to make something more like visual novel renpy game.
6. Make games and pictures and animations what people actualy like. Hardest point for the end. Im still learning and still have many think to do in future so i hop i will get better.