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1. Talk with queen - go to cave, take water from well, use her on ass, fuck ass enter the door, talk with queen, go to cave have fun with maid

2. Take kei, go to village, give kei to skirtgirl, take reward, talk to Tsunade, give her bottle, look on her ´alter costume´

3. Take water from well, go to kentaur girl location and use water on little field right side off statue, take carrot, go to angie/rabbit location, give carrot to rabit, talk and BJ angie 

4. Give carrot to Bunny to show her new dress

5. Go to foorest top right location, press X 4 times, go to top middle location take amulet, use amulet on betsie, talk wit kentaur girl

6. Go to village and provoke Hinata to show her boobies

7. Go to village and talk with twins to see them naked

8. Go to Home in village after complete mission 2 to pick reward form Jessie

9. Go to Home in village after complete mission 3 to pick reward form Jessie

10. In first screen use tree to watch queen boobies

11. Complete mission 2, go to hut location, use axe on tree, pick the wood, enter arena location in village, talk to Maguns take wand from him, talk to Maggie use first choice and last choice

12. Complete mission 11 go to church talk to Satella wand option


1. Talk with queen - go to cave take kei, take water from well, use her on ass, fuck ass enter the door

2. talk with queen - go to cave, BJ option with made

3. Talk with queen

4. Help Betsie talk with kentaur girl

5. Go to church talk with Satella

6. Go to village talk with skirtgirl, take reward, talk to Tsunade, give her bottle take axe

7. Go to Hut location use tree on axe, pick the wood, enter arena location in village, talk to Maguns take wand from him

8. Go to church use wand on Satella

9. Go to kentaur girl location right side of the map and enter the front of the castle. 


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