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So I want to make more for that game and this is my main ideas for it:

1 . Dweller options - sex, spy, rape,  breed with chosen one....

2. More characters - Chitsa main enemy - and more leaders of the cities

3. More monsters - floater kentaur girl

4. Story development - fight for the world domination :D

5. Obee options - just sex bot or add some story???

that is main 5 ideas i want to make...

6. Kinky pics for L.A.B. but that need more draw skill

7. Weapons and way to be bad guy

8. Karma and stats options

So please write feedback what actualy can be good to have in next version...



I think you should work on the interface. like displaying the days, Amount of dweller, Energy (Action per day) and Coins on the upper screen.


I add show/ hide stats in left corner... it will appear in every screen....

Mike Fitz

Yeah, aside from UI all I was missing is sort of reputation tab for influence. More story and overall expansion. For now I must say you're heading the right direction sir )


Thank you... Story is comming slowly because i need design many character ... I want main line and side lines for multiple endings.... The max day capacity is now on 50 or 100 days in future it will be based on more decissions but still want to make some deadly obstacles....