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  • EPISODE_365_Terrorised_... - audiogram.mp4
  • EPISODE_365_Terrorised_... - audiogram.mp4



Lucy, Theo, and Ben bring you: An Iowan cryptid from the turn of the century, opportunities for sneezophiles, a bull exodus mostly addressed, a village defiled by correspondence, and the Clipping Report.


Hot pies: https://x.com/thomas_violence/status/1295222966406406144




Love to see more cryptid stuff. Can’t wait to listen!


the moment Theo mentioned the most fucked tweet ever i knew he had to be talking about the funeral program cum tribute. it is permanently etched into my brain

Mark Wardlaw

If anyone would like to see the out-of-pocket tweet in question (not recommend, especially until you've listened to the episode and know what to expect:) https://imgur.com/a/cit8GNn

Joe Wakefield

Cryptid watch theme slaps

Cyclops giraffe

Thanks for being the 4 dumb Australians always in my ear. Just signed up and am going through the old content

Russell Johnson

This is at least the second episode I’ve heard where the hosts discuss who lent who a copy of a China Mieville book.


There's been a rash of bull escapes in the Boston area recently - "Moodini" was apprehended recently after being on the run for two months

Tommy U

as someone who’s been to the North Attleboro mall a bunch, this is just as surprising to me

mexicanhalloween .

what if it was Quadin Tarantino and it was just 4/5 of the original

mexicanhalloween .

I imagine the ranch hand first responder flag has one of the stripes replaced with a braided rope

Ellen Kimberley

The secret to successfully sneezing while jorking your peanits is keeping proper track of which tissues have been used for what

Wikifeet Community Moderator

Welcome to the Van Meter General Implement Store, we got all kinds of implements. Haven't seen your face around these parts before, I don't suppose you've been drawn here because you're curious about the legend?


Thank you for the hot pie clip but the dry eyes are sus


very happy about the return of Cow Voice