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We're back for 2023 and kicking off with a round-up of the most dangerous party night in Europe: Dutch New Year's Eve. Plus: Premium grade Italian military weed, a truly great American Hall of Name, WoW-ing away your 20s, and shitting on your own PT Cruiser.


Outro: Cellz (Part 1) - MF DOOM



Eyes are crazy, if an eye totally ruptures you have to take it out ASAP because since the eye’s insides was exposed to the rest of your immune system you can go blind in the other eye from your own immune response to it.

Dominic Preciso

I think maybe I missed the reference in the episode but when I see the ep title all I can think of is Paul Rudd's "Celery Man" skit on Tim and Eric. One of the best short comedy clips of our time. P.s. I love you and can't wait for your PNW tour;););)