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Lucy, Theo, and Ben bring you: An avoidable giraffe mishap, a swift act of pickleball revenge, paranoia grips Armthorpe, an absent-minded gun-mailing, and the RIPing Report.


The handbrake episode is Episode 213: Dad Like A Hole, and the pickleball one is the bonus episode 'Allen or Whitley'.


Hotwheels Sisyphus

Is it normal that my first reaction to the statement "the guy who's built like a brick" was to think "Robert Zdar?"


I grew up nearish to Fossil Rim, and have a very formative memory of feeding a giraffe from my hand in my grandparents car. They will absolutely (attempt to) stick their heads through both windows and sunroofs - it was surreal and delightful! The long necked animal you really have to watch out for is the ostrich. Can personally confirm that a Fossil Rim ostrich will also poke through windows, but instead of going for nasty pellets, they will attempt to eat the hairbow off a small kid’s head, pecking away at said head in frustration. This will lead to child wailing, grandpa yelling, and grandma frantically batting at a big angry bird, which only hilarious in hindsight.