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Twitter have blocked my page, i dont know why..trying to figure out

If you see that you are added to the blacklist , this is not true.  I do not understand what is going on..

My page was  marked by me as containing adult content from the beginning..what is the problem..



lel twettur seizing as usual


Twitter being Twitter...a.k.a stupid.


It could be easily resolved but it depends. If your account wasn’t marked as having mature content at some point and you posted something before changing it that mite do it. But otherwise twitter is a sensitive baby. It shouldn’t take long for them too fix it though.

Witty Username

Not that it helps, but I'm curious if it has to do with all the recent legal action Nintendo has been taking against furry artists on Twitter and Patreon, I know several other artists have been getting Cease and Desist warnings from their lawyers recently.


Yea now that I think about it. It’s likely Nintendo. The crackdown seems to be getting worse, and it’s likely that you mite get S&Ded. It’s usually not permanent but it’s no bueno.