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Finally, i have finished line art! Huge work is done, now it is time to chill and color everything, it is much faster than drawing clean line art : )

Here are animated clean line art

Next picture is how it looks like in clip studio

Next is some more sketches over a sketch, it is hard to draw hands and head motion correctly if you don't have a good sketch

Next is animation with flat colors ( coloring in process) 

And last one is 7 cyclical frames with a tongue action... ^^

Animation is almost ready, i think i need about 2 days more  : )

2 years ago i was not even thinking that i will be able to draw stuff i like and some one will support me. And now i am able to draw my own art and live. Thank you !

( I think a lot, but some times it is hard to explain my minds because i don't speak english IRL, so i'm pretty shy to text huge massages, because of spelling mistakes . )

 Thank you for your support guys and girls, it really matters a lot for me.




This is so good! Amazing work!


Eyy dude I’m happy you can do this thing and make a living 😊 this animation is spectacular! And you put so much work into it! Keep doing your thing homie 😃


Tsuyu looking fantastic! Very thankful for her animation!


This looks great!! cant wait to see how it looks finished !!


Looks amazing and that is one of my favorite characters!