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Thank you for waiting guys, i’m finally back in to my ( new ) city and I can keep working!

It’s so satisfying to feel myself at home again and get access to pc and my lovely wacom tablet . Feeling very happy ’cause I know I can stay at home again and work as I used to do without any disturbance .

Had some mixed feelings visiting  Kharkiv where I used to live for the past 27 years .Tbh it feels different ..it does’nt feel as my home anymore and nothing holds me there. It feels empty and grey for me . I thought I’m going to feel some sort of nostalgia or something but..not. I don’t feel anything to that place anymore and I wanted to leave asap . Asa I finished all my hospital things there I left immediately and I don’t want to get back there ever. Had never thought I’m going to say something like that about Kharkiv. Looks like it’s necessary to move forward. Life has changed.

Anyway, here’s one of your milf requests - Candy Browski from Night in the woods. I did it on my ipad while I was in the hospital. Already working on the next art and animation !

one more time , thank you for waiting and your patience. More content very soon ! 

Timelapse - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r_g3I9AEX2IBHSOuOcMPnrLrhq-QHEf9/view?usp=drivesdk




Pretty kitty


Love this pic. Glad you're safe. <3


Glad to hear you are doing better, and I hope things will continue to improve! As always, you have done a wonderful job with this lovely art piece!


Not everyone would have happy feelings about visiting a once familiar place and that sucks for anyone. I was also hoping you'd choose her since she is another cat milf like Nicole. To me she's underrated since I dont see a lot of arts of her unlike Mae and the gang.


Jesus, she is lookin' good!

aj murry

I like


Our eternal patience, my sympathies for the continuing hardship and adaption recent events have forced upon you, and my undying admiration for the art you continue to make anyways. An absolute perfect milf realization on Candy, from one of my favorite games~


ух, гаряча кішечка )


стоп, а часом вона не з night in the woods?

Vulvaluva (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-02 05:58:30 Glad to hear you're feeling yourself again! Your mixed feelings are understandable, sorry your normality was so uprooted but wishing you all the best with the next step in life :) Thanks for the amazing art as always, big love Chel &lt;3
2023-03-19 12:20:22 Glad to hear you're feeling yourself again! Your mixed feelings are understandable, sorry your normality was so uprooted but wishing you all the best with the next step in life :) Thanks for the amazing art as always, big love Chel <3

Glad to hear you're feeling yourself again! Your mixed feelings are understandable, sorry your normality was so uprooted but wishing you all the best with the next step in life :) Thanks for the amazing art as always, big love Chel <3

moogle b

hey man life goes on and things change as long as you keep your head up and keep prospering. stay blessed


бл, написано знизу, треба було дочитати 😂😂😂


So glad to hear you are doing better! Your mindset on moving forward makes me think of a Lao Tzu quote: “Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force.” You are strong, talented, and loved around the world ❤️


Bro uploading r34 while in a warzone. R34 artist are really built different. Love the drawing


Thanks! But what donyou mean about warzone? I don’t play warzone for a year already