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I spent 10 days on learning Live2D guys and it is just something amazing! I just started to animate something for fun , like a face and a car and then I realized that something more than that can be animated… and you know what I mean by that.

It was interesting and I almost didn’t saw a daylight during this time. It feels like a fresh air for me, exciting and inspiring and I want to keep going and learn more.

This Kara animation is basically a first serious animation that was made in Live2D and it was just a pure pleasure. It reminds me of those good old days 8 years ago when I just started to animate in Adobe Flash. But it gives way more opportunities and options. Just what I needed.

Going to learn it more and animate more with it for sure. Just imagine what can kind of animations and projects can be done when I learn this animation software a bit deeper.

It is going to be amazing guys.

Timelapse - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wmVPV-W35VI3mqZhVemyBy74m8MkV3dV/view?usp=share_link




It looks good chelo, im glad you like it. Keep up the good work


Glorious kara once again! This looks fantastic!


Chel is acquiring too much power. Soon no one can stop him! Also time to feasts on the purple booty 🍽️ 😈

Andrew Ebear

WHAAAAAAT oh my god when are you taking commissions next >:3


Need to practice a bit and I will be able to do animated commissions again!

Dark Kuno

Must. Not. Lick. My. Monitor.


Love this! So good to see you super inspired!


This looks really cool. Nice work!