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Hey everyone.

I don't usually like to post much personal stuff but I just wanted to give you all an update. I'm still struggling a lot with my mental health. My depression has gotten a bit worse this year. It seems like I can never win. I'm seeking help again, so hopefully I can see some improvements soon.

Honestly it has hindered my work a lot. I haven't been happy with my projects lately, and it's hard to find any desire to motivation to work or come up with ideas. I'm so lucky to be in a position where you all support me. I try to keep a good work ethic but I know I'm just much slower than I used to be.

I will continue to work though! I want to improve my mental health and be able to make animations for you all to enjoy. Hopefully as my mental state improves, so can my work. I'm so grateful for the continued support and everybody who has stayed with me even, if the content hasn't been what you'd normally enjoy.

Thank you all <3


DD (edited)

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2024-11-17 11:25:32 GOAT!
2024-11-17 11:25:32 GOAT!
2024-11-17 11:25:32 GOAT!
2024-11-17 11:25:32 GOAT!
2024-11-17 11:25:32 GOAT!
2024-11-17 11:25:32 GOAT!
2024-11-17 11:25:32 GOAT!
2024-11-17 11:25:32 GOAT!
2024-11-17 11:25:32 GOAT!
2024-11-17 11:25:32 GOAT!
2024-11-17 11:25:32 GOAT!
2024-04-26 22:37:41 GOAT!


xd Masked

Take your time cause mental health is an important issue🙏🏼



Kristen Soto

I appreciate all the hard work that you do for your videos, but you come first! Take care of yourself. We will all support you no matter what. Take whatever time you need <3


Take all the time you need. Maintaining good mental health is of the utmost importance and priority.


Honestly I get what you mean. Last year I experienced something that still haunts me till this day. I sought after help but just couldn't bring myself to speak up they say time heals wounds. I think that's a load of bs. But Honestly take your time even go ghost for a while literally block anything out. It may help Idk. Still as long as you can find some kind of footfall you'll manage one way or another. Sorry for the excessive comment.


Please take your time, work on yourself and be safe. You're happiness is most important.


Hey man it’s all good I’m going through it myself. There’s a lot of people that appreciate what you do. Most good artists have some type of mental health struggle & I hope you will get through this & just know you’re not alone in feeling this way


just take vivi and go for a travel, and relax (aji love you forever)⌓‿⌓⌓‿⌓⌓‿⌓


You have to take care of you first Nag. I think I can speak for all of us when I say, we care about you and want you to be okay. I hope you know that. I know how hard depression is. I’m manic myself. Therapy has helped me a ton. I wish you nothing but the best in your battle. ❤️


Take your time! I used to struggle with depression for many years. Finally took some advice and had bloodwork done and found out I had low T. Got that fixed and fixed my depression. It’s a journey and we are here for you!!! Sending love!


Prioritizing mental health should always come first! Hoping you are able to get the help and time you need to get to a better place for yourself and how you feel about your work. As always, looking forward to everything you create next!


No problem bro! Keep fighting you'll have it 😉 And maybe you should not worry too much for the animations, we got the old ones 🤣 But in my opinion, you would clearly prefer that you take care of yourself first and get back with tones of motivation (and perverses idea) to make your wildest animations ever. I have faith in you 👍


Hey man. No worries. You're not alone here. Our society is so fucked at this point that there's something wrong with you if you don't have a "mental illness". I've been in some dark holes before and its cliche to say but there really is light at the end of the tunnel. I know that doesn't help much when you can't see it but just know it's there. Take care of yourself first, the better you are the better your work is the happier everyone is. Thanks for sharing and you'll be in my thoughts 🙏


We appreciate you, wishing you all the best

Matsu Ichikage

It is as they say: Prioritize heath above all. Take your time slowly my guy, hopefully you can recover soon.


No worries dude. Take your time. You’re awesome!


I feel you man. I don’t know what state you live in. If it’s more progressive and the doctors understand psychedelics then try to request micro dosing under physician supervision. I was going through a hard patch in life and micro dosing helped me. One treatment cycle helped me for 6 months + Take it with a grain of salt.

ownelek (edited)

Comment edits

2024-11-17 11:25:32 Take care my man. You are doing some of the best animations out there, even if your mind tells you otherwise. Keep fighting!
2024-04-26 22:49:53 Take care my man. You are doing some of the best animations out there, even if your mind tells you otherwise. Keep fighting!

Take care my man. You are doing some of the best animations out there, even if your mind tells you otherwise. Keep fighting!

ExcessHurdle 661

I understand. Mental health is really hard sometimes. We are all here for you! Keep up the good work and never give up!


Take care of yourself, it's never easy to struggle with!


Take care, your health is more important. We won't enjoy your work if we know it is made out of pain and suffering.


Being transparent and admitting to have a problem are the first steps to solve it.


I hope you recover from the slump soon. We all get like that, especially now and days. Try to get with some friends in person, rather than through a computer screen. Least that's what helped me.

Rin Stark

As for me, I do have impulsive suicidal thoughts, it's a mental health condition where in my experience, it's a daily struggle, I'm trying my best to stay alive each day, although, the trigger can be anytime. I hope you doing okay, take care


Know that you are wanted here. You got this. It is good that you come to term with it and facing Headon. You are amazing😁


Take care of youself first! You've done a lot of amazing things,It’s time to accomplish the same great thing in yourself.


All love, get well mate!


Get well, no matter how long it takes.


Don't worry about making stuff focus on yourself we will be here when your ready... You got this


I know that feel. Take care of yourself. What helped me (and still does) was getting good exercise in with a consistent routine.

Basic Peasant (edited)

Comment edits

2024-11-17 11:25:32 Don’t stress, but I recommend acupuncture. It really does change up how you feel (more refreshed, less tensed). Give it a try if you haven’t already.
2024-04-27 00:25:26 Don’t stress, but I recommend acupuncture. It really does change up how you feel (more refreshed, less tensed). Give it a try if you haven’t already.

Don’t stress, but I recommend acupuncture. It really does change up how you feel (more refreshed, less tensed). Give it a try if you haven’t already.


You got this!! Just one thing at a time. 💪🏼💪🏼

Von Trapp Family Singer

Hey, take all the time and breaks you need, man. Your mental state is far more important


Take care, it is the most important of course. The mental health is a very tricky one but you can do it ;-)


You should always prioritize your health.


No worries man. You focus on yourself first and wish you the best. I'll keep supporting no matter what.


Health is the first priority


No worries, your health absolutely comes first!! Hope you get well soon and please look after yourself.

Xinzhi Luo

Get well soon

Minh Hoang Ngo

Bro your content has always been the best there is


Depression is a brutal lifelong battle, and there's no one solution that works for everyone. Routine and exercise are what keep me consistent and motivated to create, but SSRIs or other meds are super critical for some people too.


Wish you the best man. By the way, have you played Stellar Blade yet? I can see an Eve animation in the near future lol


You got this!


Your health always comes first mental or physical. You make great content , you can be very proud of. So don't worry yourself about us. First you heal yourself and then you make Animations again. I wish you the best of luck and that you get better ! 🙂

Kris Mart

Take your time. Taking your mental health seriously is important and good job on taking the step to get help. It is not always an easy one. Wish you the best


I noticed your work was slowing down but the truth is I felt relieved because it means you're not pushing yourself to do more than you can. Might be weird to suggest but try taking up a hobby that gets you outside in the sun. April is the perfect time of year to try growing some kitchen herbs. It's not a substitute for a health professional but sunshine and digging in the earth are very good for you.


We travel soon and I cook you nice things! I love you! Thank you for being an inspiration and the love of my life 🥰

Runhua Tang

Take care, and remember that you don't need to go through this alone. Don't hesitate to reach out to the people around you for support, and defintely consider seeking professional help if you need.




We believe in you! 💪🏼


everything will be fine!

智偉 鄧

Psychological pressure, it might be better to regard those as sources of inspiration.

Yukimura Tooru

We love you NagooGOD, thanks and rest yourself, we still here to support you ♥️

Clarence Tan

Just take care of yourself first bro... that will always be what I'll want for anyone, feel free to let us know if there's anything we can do to help...




Oh no :< I really, really hope it will get better, my bestie ♥ Maybe it really is time for a break from animating. This emotional pressure of having to produce new content constantly is defently not a good addition to an already existing depression :/ I mean I am not a dogtor, but im a bit concenrend about you :<


Health. First. Darn it. Speaking from experience, depression is an insidious toxin that destroys, it's something I struggle with to this very day, but I've found ways to work around/with it whenever it flares up. I can't speak for others, but please, take all the time you need. The animations and so on can wait, your well being should take priority IMHO. I know I'll still be here at the end of the day, and I'd much rather someone who's work I admire be happy/healthy than miserable but still forcing their way through the motions etc. We have enough misery to fill our lives, no need to compound it if you can avoid doing so.


Thank you for being open about this. Mental health can truly be a bitch. I've been in some very bad spots and it took a lot of time, set routines around food, exercise and sleep, as well as mindfulness practice to get there. Now things are awesome for me and I'm sure they will be for you too. <3 Thanks for everything you give us.


As a medical professional, I do say to focus on your mental health and yourself first. Try to find some sort of positivity no matter how big or small. We’re here for you. 😁




For what its worth, you set the standard as the best animator i've ever seen and i hope you continue your work!


You're welcome Nagoo, take the time you need! Best wishes and best of luck with everything; hope you can get yourself to a place of well-deserved happiness~

ashton Kay

Take your time man. It's an increasingly tough industry, don't feel bad for stepping away for as long as you need. You deserve it.




I am sad to read this :( Life can be a real pain, my year is also quite disastrous, but stay strong ! You're a very talented artist, and a lot of people here will always support you. I hope you'll feel better the sooner possible, take all the time you need !

Yoyoyo T

You're the best!!! YOU WILL FEEL BETTER!!!🧞‍♂️

啸翾 刘

hope u get better soon


I hope this isn't been caused by a break up... the way i treat breakups is if she left me, she did me a favor and if i left her i did her and myself a favor. If its deeper than that then yup help is needed


Hang in there. 💛


Please take all the time you need.


Depression is no joke… just know that non of it is your fault. I’m happy you are seeking help, no one should battle something like THAT by themselves. ❤️ Rooting for you!!!

D Kong

Here's my first comment. Please forgive me for using a translator. I love your work. Please spend time for yourself. Always cheering you on.


I'm very sad to know this...


I just wish to say that don't think too much about keeping up the progress and don't push yourself too far. There's no need of feeling obliged to update, take your time, give yourself some space to heal and recover.


Been there. You’re doing the right thing by reaching out. Move a muscle - change a thought. Sketch-a-day just for yourself? You are a talented artist and I hope you find your passion again! ❤️

Dace Tatmen

Been there. Take your time man.


Your work makes so many people happy! I just wanted to let you know that. If you’re looking for suggestions to have fun, you should see if you can eat a whole rotisserie chicken. Get a baguette and a block of cheese and pretend you’re in Skyrim. Cheers me up at least


I hope you feel better and always remember to prioritize your mental health. Been there, and it’s always an uphill battle. I will be cheering you on! Also, your most recent night elf-troll animation is literally my favorite in the whole world. I hope we get more WoW animations in the future 🖤

Xen and Cake

Mental health is no joke. Stay well.

Third Degree

Hey man I'm working on a non profit organization called tap in . If you need someone tap in anytime bro

세영 정

I am a foreigner and cannot speak English, so please understand that I am using a translator instead. I'm rooting for you. When I watch your videos, I can see how much care and passion you put into them. The stress will be that much greater. Mental health is a very important issue, so I hope you take good care of it and return to a healthy state. I will understand even if the work is delayed. Rest is important.

聂 山程

我是今天刚加入的看到你这么严重的情况由衷的希望你好起来 加油克服它

Jonathan West

I am in the same position. I am still fighting my ex-wife for my son and daughter after she used a horrible false accusation to tilt the courts in her favor. Now that it was proven false, TWICE, I still cannot get any justice or reversal of order. This has destroyed me financially and has had terrible affect on the relationship between me and my children as I only see them for 2.5 hours a week by court order. I never understood depression until going through this but I agree with you. It is debilitating and makes us to feel like our lives have no purpose. Interestingly the work keeps us going. I also have to admit that the upside of it all is that we begin to strip away the abstractions in life. We begin to see things the way that they are because depression kills what we wish it to be. I never thought that I would be creating or becoming a patron of NSFW artist however here I am now. I see the sincerity here as it is not covered up by fake morality and righteous usurpation. That helps my depression in ways that I never anticipated.


Understand! See you soon healthfully!


You come first 👍

M mou

Healthy first,thanks for good animations.