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I was visiting some family for thanksgiving but I'm back and ready to work on new stuff! I still plan to get the purple dress Tifa version out but it'll be slower as the dress physics are hard for me to get right. 

I'm going to try and reuse the animation for Jessie and Aerith. I'll change up the scene a bit though! I want to work on stuff other than FF so it'll be an easier way to get something for those characters without an entirely new animation.

I'll have more information soon on upcoming content!

Thank  you all so much for the support, and hope you had a great thanksgiving (for those who celebrate it!)



yes,Jessie and Aerith's animation is a good idea,Some of the Famous animated characters are also good, just like Mai Shiranui is great :D

Futa is superior

Mmmmmm ok, how do I put this?🤔 YES, YES, YES, YES, YES!!!!!👍💕


Can't wait for purple dress - Tifa